A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 27

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I sat sitting next to Finn in my room.

It was the last day of winter break.

I was in my underwear painting and Finn was watching me as we listened to music.

Finn walked over to me and stood behind me.

"Move," I said.


"I don't like it when people hover over me,"

"Why do you paint in you underwear?"

"The less clothes I'm in, the free-er my mind is," I said.

"So you think better half naked,"

"When it comes to art yes,"

Finn smiled and unhooked my bra. "Not now," I said.

"I'm helping you, you said you work better half naked,"

I rolled my eyes and continued to paint.

Finn's hands lightly touched my shoulders and lingered down my back.

His hand slipped under my breast and squeezed them.

He played with them from behind.

I put my paint brush down and stood up. "I can't concentrate with you turning me on like that,"

"Sorry," he smirked.

"Your bothering me,"

"Sorry baby, but, you're looking pretty hot right now,"

"Of course, any girl who's naked in front of you would look hot,"

He smirked and took off his shirt and pants.

He pulled down my underwear and took out a condom. "Well?"

"I don't think so,"

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I don't want to get pregnant, let's start there,"

"Your not on birth control?"

"No, I never had a reason to be on birth control,"

"We're protected, come on,"

"No, I told you, sex was a one time thing,"

"Ugh, but I'm in the mood,"

"Too bad,"

"Please!" he begged. He said please as thousand times as I pull my underwear back on and went back to my art.

Finn continued to beg.

"Will you shut the hell up?" I asked.

"You know the one way that with silence me,"

"Your pissing me off,"

"I don't care, I need you,"

"Fine!" I said standing up. "I hate you,"

"Good," he said pulled down my underwear smiling.

"You are way to happy,"

"Well someone has to be,"

I rolled my eyes. "Can you hurry up?"

"I'm ready," he said putting on the condom.

I lied on the bed and Finn got on top of me. He sucked each breast then kissed me and held me tight.

I ran my fingers through his hair as his hands roamed my body.

He entered me and pleasure filled me.

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