A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 35

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Finn and his family were planning on going to the beach for a few days.

Finn begged them to take me along and I begged me parents to let me go.

They gave in and I started packing right away.

We were leaving tomorrow, the first full day of spring break.

I was in my room packing, when my phone rang.

"What's up Chris?" I said.

"I have some news for you,"


"Carey wanted me to help break up you and Finn. She's going to make it look like he cheated on you with her. She didn't tell me mush but just be careful,"

"Yeah, thanks,"

"No problem,"

"Why did she want you?"

"Because, I look like Finn and she knows that I kind of like you. There would something for the both of us,"

"That little whore,"

"Yeah, now I have to call Finn. Later,"

"Later, thanks again Chris and you like me?"

"Bye Alex," he said hanging up.

I chuckled and hung up.

I finished packing then turned up my music and started painting.

"Alex?" my mom said coming into my room.


"Finn is here,"

"Cool, send him up," I smiled.

"Okay, keep the door open,"

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"Hey, Al, did Chris call you?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking about beating up Carey,"


"But, she wants my man,"

"'your man' isn't going any where and I would never cheat on you,"

"Damn right," I said going back to my painting.

"I'm buying you a new paint set,"

"Thank you," I smiled.


The next morning I was forced to wake up early to go to the beach.

I crawled out of bed and changed into my swim suit. I pulled on my clothes and put my hair into a messy bun.

I pulled my suit case down stairs.

I finished getting ready and Finn and Frank helped load my stuff into their van.

I hugged my parents goodbye, then climbed into the back of the van.

Finn sat next to me.

We laced our fingers together and I rested my head on his shoulder then drifted asleep.

Frank's Point Of View

"Aw," Kelly said. "Look at them,"

"Shut up," Finn smirked, then smiled down at the beautiful sleeping Alex.

Their fingers were laced together and she rested he head on his shoulder.

I couldn't help but envy him.

She had the perfect girl and I had no girl. I hadn't had a girl in a while actually.

"They are so cute. He really loves her," Kelly said turning around.

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