Chapter 5: The Meaning of a Laugh

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     We carried on talking. We pretended the last 10 minutes never happened. We talked more about each other. He told me more about the boys. We talked about the dreams we had as little kids and if any of them came true yet. He made me laugh. Every now and then I managed to make him laugh as well. But I laughed more; I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy, because I laughed at things he probably meant as just a simple statement rather than a joke. What he didn't know is, I wasn't laughing so easily because of how funny I found him to be. I was laughing because of happiness. He made me happy.

     "Alright, let's not talk about our ultimate life goal or dream, since talking about that leads us to bigger things that we obviously would rather not talk about," he said as I tried to catch my breath from laughing, "Let's just talk about the little things," he continued.

     "Little things?" I asked as I calmed down from the laughter.

     "Yeah, the little things we want to do or know about before we die."

     "Like a bucket list?"

     "Yeah, pretty much."

     "Well I know what's number one on that list." I said confidently.

     "Really, what is it?"

     "It really is one of my biggest little goals in life, I don't know if I'm ready to share it with someone I only met a few hours ago."

     "Oh c'mon just tell me."

     "Fine," I let a moment of silence pass us before revealing one of my biggest secrets. "I can't swim, and I think it's necessary to learn how to before I die."

     He laughed. He laughed a lot. He leaned forward and laughed. He smiled so big while he laughed that his eyes shut close. I laughed along with him, but not nearly as much.

     "What? It's not funny." I told him.

     "Of course not. It's just that I was expecting it to be something stupid and less serious. But not knowing how to swim is definitely serious. You really surprised me with that one."

     "You just said it was serious. Why would you laugh at something serious? Nash Grier, you don't make any sense at all."

     "I don't know, probably because it was unexpected," he continued to laugh but it was more chill.

     "Who ever gave you permission to expect things about me?" I said while jokingly making a serious face.

     "Well you gave me permission to assume, so I thought I would just assume that it's okay to expect."


     "So you wanna learn how to swim before you die; what if you die due to not knowing how to swim? Then what?"

     "Well that would be pretty sad and unfortunate, wouldn't it Hamilton?"

     He laughed again, but it seemed fake.

     "Okay, what's number two on the list?" he asked.

     "Finding out who panderz is. He smiled again as if he was just about to start laughing. "Oh my God! I know the perfect person to help me check that of the list!" I looked at him sarcastically awed.

     "Nope, not gonna happen. I'm not telling." he replied.

     "Come on, just tell me. Why won't you tell me?" I complained.

     "Partly because I would be breaking the rules if I did, but mainly because it's a nice feeling to know something that you want to know, but have no way of knowing."

     "Oh you little---"

     "Little what? I'm like two feet taller than you," he laughed.

     "Then would you rather be a big piece of selfish shit?"

     "It's more accurate," he smiled.

6 Hours ( A Nash Grier Fan-Fic / Features All Magcon Boys)Where stories live. Discover now