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taecup's note: ini chapter english. selanjutnya bakal balik pake bahasa sampai aku punya chapter english lagi kok ;)

also!! please kindly support the debut of this english chapter!! aku harap sih sampai sebelum sabtu depan ada 100 comments di chapter ini :) kalau kurang dari itu, minggu depan ga ada dosa taecup ya. makasihh!💜


It's two hours before that night concert.

"Hyung," Jungkook says with a slight whine, lolling his head back to look at Taehyung. As a response, the older lets out a soft hum with his low (yet gentle) voice.

"I'm wondering as to why you've been staring at me for hours since this morning."

Chuckling, Taehyung strokes Jungkook's hair. "I always keep my eyes on you, baby boy. It's nothing new," he replies.

"But I mean, today, somehow... Your eyes look different. As if there's something new about me."

There's a brief moment of silence before a loud laugh fills the room, making the younger tilts his head in confusion.

"Baby boy, why are you so cute?" Taehyung asks once his cackle dissipates. "Nothing, really. I'm just in the mood to appreciate play what's mine," his eyes look content as he says the word 'mine'.

"I am yours," Jungkook quickly says, emphasizing the word 'yours'. And that's it. Jungkook thinks that with the end of their mundane conversation, Taehyung would've stopped.

The thing is, he doesn't.

After the last incident around two months ago, they've been separated by the company. This is the first time (after a while) they can finally spend time with each other and the older definitely wants to do something 'productive' in their spare time.

Pinning the other boy to the sofa, Taehyung starts trailing his tongue down along the delicate line of Jungkook's abdomen. Then he moves his mouth higher before trailing down again, making sure he leaves those marks they both miss on his lover. Taehyung's eyes then look straight up at the younger boy, stopping at the hem of his pants.

"Hyung... Are you sure you wanna go? We have a concert in two hours. If we get caught again, I don't know what they'll do... To us.." Jungkook stutters at the thought.

"I'm only marking you, baby boy," he palms his lover's crotch forcefully.

"Hyung—" Taehyung abruptly pulled Jungkook's pants and boxers in one quick move, cutting off his sentence.

"You don't want to have semen stains on your pants, do you?" he chuckles at Jungkook's startled expression.

"But, Hyung—"

"Hush now, baby boy. Keep resisting and i'll have to punish you. Right here, right now," he says with a smirk.

Jungkook can only gulp. Before another thought comes to his mind, Taehyung envelopes Jungkook's length with his warm mouth, shoving it to the back of his throat.

"Ahhh! Hyung! This.." the younger throws his head back, shutting his eyes tightly whilst trying to find the right words. "This isn't leaving marks!" Jungkook exclaims before moaning in pure ecstasy.

Taehyung watches intently throughout the process. His eyes darkened with lust at the sight of Jungkook's irresistibly wrecked state. He starts bobbing his head reluctantly slow since Taehyung is nothing but a tease. It makes the younger whimpers out a variety of curses.

"Ahhh... Hyungg..." Jungkook moans loudly. Instinctively knowing that the younger is close, Taehyung stops. Making Jungkook whines needily. "H-hyung... W-why..."

"You don't want this, do you baby boy?" he says teasingly with his trademark lip-licking smirk never leaving his face, making the younger boy blush, biting his already swollen bottom lip.

"I.. I just.." Jungkook stutters cutely. He averts his eyes while Taehyung is trying to hold back at the sight of this adorable creature before him.

Taehyung couldn't understand himself at this point. Every single move the younger makes have this weird effect on him. He finds everything to be arousing, with the growing feeling of tightness in his pants as proof.

The thought of having the delicate boy under his body, breathless and screaming his name makes Taehyung ignore the small voice in his head that tells him to stop.

Jungkook looks down at his boyfriend as the older boy takes the neglected cock down his throat again, bobbing his head in an almost animalistic manner.

"Aahh—" the younger boy yelps loudly and  grabs a fistful of Taehyung's brown locks. He can already feel his stomach itching as the older sucks his manhood rather aggressively.

"Aahh.. Hyung!"

The feeling of Taehyung's breath ghosting his member as his tongue swirls around the tip makes Jungkook moan louder, throwing his head back.

"Aahhh.. Ah— Ah— Hyung!" Jungkook yells with his voice cracking.

Taehyung lets the viscous fluid slide down his throat. He groans at the taste before pulling Jungkook's length out with a pop, kissing its tip.

"How lovely," the older whispers. He gets up on his knees and kisses the younger deeply until reality hits him and he breaks the kiss before Jungkook can even respond.

"Hell, I want to continue this. I really do," Taehyung sounds so flustered. "Man, don't look at me like that," he groans when his eyes meet Jungkook's.

The younger lets out a hoarse cackle, "We can do more when we finish, Hyung. It's less than six hours."

The thought of him being able to fully savour Jungkook is enough to make the older's trademark smirk return.

"Get yourself ready, baby boy," he leaves the younger there, blushing about what just happened.

"Hyung!" Jungkook calls out. He gulps as the older comes closer and stands beside him in front of the dressing room mirror. "What should I do with these?" he asks with a gesture of his hands.

Taehyung's lips form a curve, widely smiling at the marks he's left on his boy's body. "The one under your left collarbone is the prettiest. I have to take a picture," he says, definitely ignoring the question while taking his phone out from his pocket.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whines at the older's ridiculous habit. Ah yes, the same after-sex routine where the younger whines and the older does whatever he wants (which they both know they enjoy). He'll never admit it out loud but he agrees that the marks are pretty as a constant reminder that he's Taehyung's property.

Taehyung, satisfied with the documentary work he's done, touches the younger's cheeks. "You can just use concealer. Ask the makeup artists to do it," he says with a smile.

Taehyung's hands go down, tracing Jungkook's bare chest. He makes sure to touch each mark, bending down to kiss some of the prettiest marks he's ever given.

"I wish I could show these to the world so everyone would know you're mine," he whispers, eyes focused on Jungkook's upper body while the younger's greedy side thoroughly enjoying the older's words.

For one last time, Taehyung kisses the younger's neck, gently without leaving any marks but biting them playfully before pulling away.

"Conceal the marks and don't let them know, Kook," Taehyung winks as he walks back to the sofa, waiting for his Jungkook.

taecup's note (2):
Taehyung's property..... His Jungkook........ Hmmmh, okay........

btw, this is originally written by @-vkockcum dan diedit-edit!! thank for this chapter beb. buat kalian yang ingin mengirim karya boleh juga ya, dm sajaa!

dosa taecup. + kth, jjkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang