Chapter 12

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Rachel's POV: I can't believe Puck would cheat on Quinn. That's so not cool. And with Regina Ew! I just can't believe it. I got up off the couch and went right up stairs into my kitchen. Puck was yelling at Regina. "You know Quinn's my girlfriend, and I love her!" He said storming off pulling me with him. He pulled me into the living room. "What did Quinn say?' He asked me. "Well she thinks you cheated on her with Regina." Puck looked down at his phone.

Pucks POV: I looked down at my phone cause I got a text from Carol. 'Finn was in a car accident. He's in the hospital.' "Get Quinn and tell the girls and Kurt, Finns in the hospital." I said a Rachel broke down into a ball and cried.

Rachel POV: I was so full of emotions. I was scared and sad, I couldn't breathe or move. Puck went to tell everyone and Quinn and Kurt came running up stairs. I couldn't remember what happened after that. I some how appeared in Quinn's Volkswagen Beetle, and Kurt's arms were around me.

~Later on~
Quinn's POV: I can't believe Finns in here. He doesn't deserve it. All the glee girls flooded into the waiting room. The all comforted Rachel Burt and Carol. And on top of that Puck cheated on me. This day sucks. I just want it to be over. The Nurse came out. "I'm looking for the family of Finn Hudson." She said "Well its all of us, well most of them are his friends." Burt said. "Well only Family is alould." "What about his Girlfriend?" I asked. "Only Wife or engaged to be." She said. "I'm his fiancé." Rachel said. "I'm sorry you guys had to find out like this." I walked with Carol Burt and Kurt to his room. We flooded into his room. He was asleep, he had a cast on his arm and he had a black eye. I couldn't bare to look at him like that.

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