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I woke up to the sound of my Alarm clock. Quinn wasn't there. I panicked. But I calmed myself because she was probably in the bathroom. She came in to my room and was all happy. "Good morning!!" She said in a happy tone. "Why so happy, and what are you doing up? It's only eight?" "Well Mercedes and I were up most of the night and making plans for a glee camping trip! Her uncle owns a camp site and he said it was cool if she had a couple of friends up there for a week." She said. "I though you hated camping." "I do.. But.. There are like four malls between here and the camp site! And plus it will give me some alone time!" "Ohh girl! Shopping!" I said as my phone was vibrating. It was Finn with the details on the barbecue. "What are you doing today Q?" "Well Puck and I are going to an amusement park." "Is that why your up early?" "Yes!" "Okay well I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for the barbecue." I said. "No wait, I made pancakes and your vegan sausage." "How could I turn down vegan sausage?" I smiled and we went down stairs and we ate.

Later on.... Quinn's point of view.
Rachel had already been picked up by Finn, and I was waiting for Puck. He was only like five minutes late. He was probably having truck problems. But before I could finish my thought, Puck knocked on the door. At least I thought it was Puck. I opened the door and it was...

Rachel's POV: I was in Finns truck. We were on our way over to his aunts house. I was wearing a cute short yellow sun dress with a matching tankini underneath. I wanted to look cute but I had to look nice for his family. Finn looked over at me. I was very deep in thought so I nearly noticed. "So Kurt told me his date went well." He said breaking the silents. "That's good I said." I flipped threw the radio stations and stopped on one that was playing 'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon 5. "Tap on my window knock on my door I wanna make you feel beautiful." Then Finn joined in as until we finished the song. And I giggled. "So Quinn and Puck went the the amusement park. And I'm thinking your probably wanna have some girl time or whatever so ill bring you home around seven... Seven thirty ish." "Okay sounds good." I said as we pulled into his aunts driveway. "Now don't mind my uncle Andy. His judgement does not mean anything." "Okay." I said as he got out and opened the door and helped me out. I'm really short okay?

Quinn's POV: I opened the door and it was... Sam. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to a movie with Cades?" "Look I'm here because I miss you..." "Well that's nice, Pucks on his way over and you gotta go." "Quinine wait, I just miss you... Like it hurts." "Don't you have Mercedes?" "She doesn't wanna date me right now. She said she just wants to be friends." "Okay, I'll talk to you later." I pushed him out. What the heck? Agh. Puck pulled up as soon as I pushed Sam out. Puck jumped out of his car and ran and pushed Sam. "The hell are you doing with my girl?" "We were just.." But before he could finish me punched him. "Puck!" I yelled. Sam got up and a fight broke out. I panicked. I tried to stop the fight,but I also wanted my face to stay in tact.

Rachel's POV: we walked around back. And I was greeted my Carol and Kurt. "Mom!" I said running into her embrace. She had become like a mother to me. And because of the whole Shelby thing, she wanted me to have a mom. She hugged me back with a grin. She walked me over to the patio. "Rachel this is my sister, Nancy and her husband Andy, he's the one by the grill. And Andy's sister Glenda and her husband Justin. And they have three kids, Cylus is the oldest he is sixteen, and their two girls Avalanna and Aquamarine. And of course you know Burt and Kurt" Carol said and I put named to faces. "It's nice to meet you all." I said. The two twin girls came up and hugged Finn. "Finn we missed you!" Avalanna said. "I missed you girls too." "Can we play witches and wizards in the pool?" Aquamarine said. "Of course, but first I wanna introduce my girlfriend Rachel to you." "It's very nice to meet two beautiful young girls." Then the boy, Cylus hugged Finn. "'Sup man?" "Not much, just texting my girl. I have to go pick her up in a while." "Nice, this is Rachel." "Hey" I said.

Quinn's POV: I thought I should text Rachel but I didn't want her first family meet and greet to be horrible. "OKAY BOYS THAT IS ENOUGH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. They both stopped. "Sorry." The both said. Sam went home. I pulled Puck inside. "What the hell were you thinking?" I asked him. "I was just defending girl." "That's sweet, but you didn't have to beat him up, he has a black eye for crying out loud." But before I could say anything else he kissed me then pulled away. "Can we just stay here and cuddle and watch movies?" "Sure."

Rachel's POV: I sat on the patio next to Kurt and ate while Finn and the girls were in the pool. I got to know everyone. Nancy was a pot dealer. Andy was her helper. And their trying to have a baby. Glenda is on broadway, and Justin is a singer. Cylus has a def girlfriend named Megan. And he had gone to pick her up. Avalanna and Aquamarine were in Tap and Ballet classes, also in singing and acting classes. They all seemed quite normal to me. Cylus had just come back with Megan. He told me she could read lips so I wasn't worried. He introduced her to me. "Megan this is my cousin Finns girlfriend Rachel, Rachel this is my girlfriend Megan." "It's so nice to meet you." I said. She made sighs and spoke "it's nice to meet you too." Finn had made me go I to the pool. Then when we went out Avalanna and Aqua they made me an official member in their club house. Then we had desert and then we said our goodbyes and Finn drove me home. When I got home Finn kissed me then I went inside to see Puck and Quinn passed out on the couch. So I turned off the TV then went to bed.

Finchel and Quick: Summer Loving Where stories live. Discover now