Chapter 3

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"Thank you for boarding with us today, your seats are row 18 seats A and B," the air attendant says whilst handing our tickets back, "thank you and enjoy." She smiles briefly at us before talking to the next person.

We walk down the aisle to find our seats. The plane is laid out with 3 seats in the middle then two aisles on either side and then two seats by the windows. There can be around 500 people on board I'd estimate.

Although Katie's parents were going to give us first class, I declined, not wanting to take their money. But I kind of wish I did now with all this little space.

Katie let me sit by the window and she sat in the aisle, but we pinky promised she could have the window on the way home.

"Thank you for joining our flight today, this is your pilot speaking. We will get to Ibiza at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Ibiza time which is 2 o'clock in the afternoon British time. This flight is 5 hours long. The weather is clear and sunny for our journey today. Once again thank you for choosing British Airways.."

When the pilot finishes speaking I look at the beautiful day outside. We could have just gone to the beach outside of London somewhere and still had fun, that wouldn't have forced me to wear tiny bikinis.

"Chelsea!?" Katie knocks me out of my day dream by waving her hand in front oft face,

"What is it?"

"A group of boys just walked down the aisle on the other side, they were absolutely gorgeous!" She looks excited but sounds aggravated I didn't see. "I was shouting your name like 10 times but they've gone now, up to first class" she wiggles her eyebrows, playfully. I let out a laugh,

"Well maybe you'll see them again when we arrive" I try sound excited. Probably some rich pricks going up to 'first class' which their daddies paid for. I slowly shove my earphones in as the flight attendants finish up with their 'if something happens to this plane do this cause it will save your life' demonstration.

Katie used to beg me to go to parties with her so we can go out with the popular guys, I'd sometimes go with her, I'm not all boring. Sometimes it would be fun but the last time I went a guy started feeling me up and asked me to go 'upstairs' with him so I ran and never went again.

We are now an 1 and a bit into the flight. We chatted for a while but now she has fell asleep. I took out my phone, so I'm just playing some stupid games before I take out my book, 'Divergent' and carry on reading.


"We will be landing in a few minutes. Please fasten your seatbelt and prepare for landing"

I shot open my eyes. Have we really been on this plane for 5 hours? It felt like I just fell asleep. I look too see my book on my lap and my iPhone in the seat pocket. I always got scared incase I left it there. I scan around the plane to see people getting ready to land, my eyes land on Katie who is still asleep.

"Katie" I whisper, "we are about to land. get your stuff ready." She doesn't respond, so I try think of a way,

"Oh my god, that guy so so hot, jesu-" and before I know it her head is up in alert looking around,


"Just kidding, it was just a way to wake you up without hitting you" I say and she gives me the glares before putting on her seatbelt and getting her stuff ready and caking some foundation on her face.

The plane lands smoothly and we are now getting out our seats and walking through they aisle to get out of the plane to baggage reclaim then go to the hotel. That rhymed, my mind thought and my mouth accidentally let out a small giggle,

"What?" Katie said, rather confused.

"I just said something in my mind that rhymed.." I sounded like someone who belonged in a mental hospital,

"You're a freak, your know that right?" she gave a weird look before laughing and I nodded my head and laughed along.

Katie and I were one of the first people about to get off since she didn't want to wait another second on this plane when we could be out there. Just as we were about to step off the plane the flight attendants told us that first class got off first. So we waited for a good few minutes before people started passing us.

"Oh look there they are," Katie whispered whilst pointing we finger, "aren't they gorgeous?"

Following her finger my gaze see's 5 boys just coming down the stairs. They are pretty hot. just as i was giving them an approving judgement one of them, with the curly hair looks directly at me and gives me a wink then smirked and before walking off.

I gasp in disgust while Katie doesn't take notice. stuff like that just makes me want to cringe and slap him, But I don't know him and never will so I'm glad my wee rage will stay in my head and go no further.

Finding our bags from baggage reclaim wasn't difficult as we were the only ones with neon red suitcases and a charm on the zipper so we know they're ours. Though calling a taxi was much more difficult, many just drove past or picked up other people. But then to our luck, a taxi finally stopped for us.

"So to some it up, beautiful day life, crazy nightlife" the driver laughed as we seemed to be driving slower, probably to our destination. He talked the whole time about Ibiza, and his last sentence basically summarised the whole thing.

"And here you are ladies, enjoy your stay!" We give him our money and he gives us our bags and then we look up. The hotel was massive. White and crystal walls, with a massive door and windows. The whole hotel expect the entrance was cut off, probably so only if you stay you can see its most likely beauty.

"Wow" Katie was the first with words as I was speechless. "I think I love my dad even more for this"

The inside was just as stunning as the outside, if not more. Its modern, with white floors and cream walls with one black wall behind the reception. The ceiling is so high and a massive crystal chandelier.

"Good morning and welcome to the Crystal Plaza Hotel, what is the name miss"

"Robertson" Katie managed to say, both of us still speechless.

"Ah yes, from London I see, must be a big change in weather! We are having lovely weather this week, so enjoy" she smiles at us, giving me a sense of calmness to breath again.

"You are in room 612, one of the two roof rooms. Hotel is so big we have two" now she is beaming. Probably happy with her job as she hands us our keys and waves over people to help us with our bags. Okay now I am beaming.


Hope you are enjoying this so far! Don't forget to follow!

Love u sugar muffins

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