🎶The Snack That Smiles Back~🎶

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"Where is he going?" Arthur said to himself as he followed his glowing spell. Tracking Alfred had proven more difficult than he expected. But lately he had managed to shorten the distance between them by not taking any breaks. As he got closer the spell glowed brighter and the colors it gave off were more vibrant. Arthur sighed as his side cramped again. He slowed his pace and rubbed his side, trying to loosen the stabbing pain.

"Hello, Arthur!" a voice called.

"Who's there?" Arthur cried, swimming in a circle, looking for who called his name, his eyes landed on a familiar figure. "Flying Mint Bunny! How did you get here?"

"Well, I knew you were feeling down, Arthur, so I flew on over to cheer you up! And, duh, magic!" Flying Mint Bunny (I'm going to call him Bunny from now on) pushed himself through the water with his wings, not unlike a sea ray, and swam circles around Arthur's head.

Arthur shook his head and laughed, "That's your answer to everything."

"Well, because it's the truth!" Bunny cried as he stopped in front of Arthur. "What's bothering you?"

Arthur looked down at his spell orb, and quietly thought. "I suppose, having Alfred leave me, ... it hurts. I tried to be his friend, but when this happened he didn't even ask for my help, he did it on his own - he's independent, he doesn't need me." Arthur sniffed and glanced at Bunny, "I sound like I'm drunk, don't I? Am I stupid to think this way? He doesn't really need me ...."

Bunny shook his head and looked Arthur in the eyes. "No, Alfred needs you. If you look, I think you'll see, you need him too. You care about him, he's your family. Family helps each other, and they love each other. And Alfred really does love you. Who else does he go to when he needs help?"

Arthur contemplated this and slowly nodded. "You're right..., he only ever goes to the frog for help if he's playing a prank on me. Thank you, Bunny, I'm feeling much better."

"Good, now I'm going to keep Captain and Tink from fighting again. Good luck, Arthur!" Bunny shouted as he whirled away and disappeared in a shower of mint sparkles.

"Always with the dramatic exits." Arthur grumbled, but he was smiling.


"How much longer, Frenchie? Ze awesome me is hungry!" Gilbert complained as the trio and Romano headed in the general direction of north.

"Gilbert, I told you, not yet. We still have a ways to go. If you are really hungry you could eat some of the snacks Antonio brought. I'm sure he has Gold Fish or something." Francis replied, flipping his hand behind him at Antonio.

"Gold Fish? Seriously? Urgh, fine. Yo, Antonio! You got any food? I could kill for some artificially fake cheese fishes right now!"

Antonio sighed and shook his head, but laughed. "Only you, Gilbert. Here." Antonio stopped and dug in his pocket, pulling out a bag of Gold Fish. "Oi, tomato bastard! Those are mine!" Romano cried from his perch on Antonio's back. He swiped at them but missed as Antonio handed them the Gilbert. Gilbert smirked and slowly opened the bag, making a show of eating the crackers as Romano hissed.

"Oh, come on, Gilbert, remember, sharing is caring." Antonio said in a sing song voice. Gilbert ate half of the bag before handing them back to Antonio, who held them out to Romano. Romano grabbed them as fast as he could and clutched them to his chest with one hand, the other still holding onto Antonio's shoulder, he hissed once more and flipped off Gilbert before devouring his snack, crumbs floating through the water. "Geez, Antonio, teach your shark some manners, kesesesesese!"

Antonio shook off the jab and only smiled in response, taking the now empty bag from Romano and putting it back in his pocket. "Says the merman who keeps complaining about the swimming and asking if we can eat every thirty seconds."

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