On an adventure

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A/N: As suggested by caitlincocoloco, the boys see a human for the first time! Sorry it took so long!

Arthur wasn't sure he had ever seen the twins this excited. Alfred and Matthew bounced around the living room, laughing and knocking into things. Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand and pulled on it excitedly, "Really?! Really, really, really, really? You mean it?!"

Arthur smiled, "Why would I lie? I really mean it."

"Yessss!" Alfred cheered, "Matthew! We're gonna see a real, live human! How awesome is that?!"

"Very, very, very!" Matthew nodded.

"Ah, I remember my first time seeing a human!" Francis proclaimed, waltzing in through the doorway. "Everything is ready." Francis said with a wink to Arthur.

"What? What's ready? Come on, Arthur, tell us." Alfred importuned. The twins raced to Arthur and pulled his arms, bouncing excitedly.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise then, would it." Arthur said, a small smirk on his face.

"Awwww..." the twins complained, sidling over to try and get something out of Francis. Francis saw their tactic and shook his head. "Desole, mon petites, I can't say anything or Angleterre will have my head." He said with a shudder.

Alfred huffed in frustration, a stream of bubbles rising from his gills. Suddenly, a sly smile crossed his mouth before he turned his lips into a pout. Matthew caught on with Alfred's plan after his twin shot him a sharp glance. "Francis, s'il cousin plait."

Francis shook his head and held a finger up to his smiling lips. "I'm sworn to secrecy."

Matthew shrugged and faced his twin. The two had an argument with their eyes, quickly losing Arthur and Francis, who were trying to follow along. They stared at each other, occasionally making small hand and head gestures, for maybe thirty seconds, before Alfred threw his hands up, "Fine, I'll wait."

Matthew gave a small smile at his success and asked the adults, "When are we going? I'm not sure Alfred can wait too long." He said, giving his brother a look. Alfred's only response at the jibe was to stick his tongue out.

"Alfred." Arthur said sternly. Alfred's tongue darted back into his mouth. "Now, how about tomorrow? Is that too long to wait, boys?"

Alfred opened his mouth to object but was cut off by Matthew's hand clamping his lips together. "No. That's perfect. Thank you, Arthur." Matthew said over Alfred's disgruntled mumbling. Matthew shrieked as Alfred licked his hand. "Ew! What did you do that for?!" He squeaked.

"Because I wanted to and your hand was right there! You practically set yourself up!"

Francis laughed and Arthur frowned as Alfred tackled Matthew, pinning him to the floor.


The next day.

The twin busted into their guardians' room at seven that morning. Racing around like crazy Indians, they leaped into Francis' and Arthur's beds, one twin to pester each.

"Arthur! Wake up!" Alfred cried as he landed on the Brit's stomach.

"Francis. Wake up." Matthew said as sat on the edge of the bed, jostling the French merman's arm.

"Today is the day!" Alfred practically shrieked in Arthur's ear. "We want to see a human!"

"Well, if you keep jumping on my stomach then you can bloody well count on not going anywhere today." Arthur said angrily, his voice muffled slightly by the pillow.

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