Hide and Seek

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The trio gave each other confused looks before Alfred had the nerve to ask the question they all want answered, "Really? Um, why would an adult like you want to play a game with us? And I should probably tell Arthur because he is alway like, 'Alfred, remember, stranger danger, don't talk to them if they seem weird.' Arthur wouldn't like it if we hung out with you because you seem kind of weird." he finished with with a small shrug.

Ivan's eyes narrowed and his smile shrank a little, "I'm seeming veird to you?"

Alfred realized his mistake and rushed to correct it, "Oh, well, I meant it's strange that an adult would enjoy playing with us when we haven't even met him, and just, yeah...." he trailed off.

Ivan stared at the merling in front of him. Matthew tugged Alfred's arm and whispered in his ear. "Maybe we should let him play with us, he won't do anything; besides, you're just making it worse with what you're saying, let me talk."

Matthew was behind Alfred, so he had to swim around him to be in sight of the stranger. Kumijirou followed, just behind Matthew, hovering over his left shoulder.

"Um, hi, I'm Matthew and that's Alfred, my twin brother, and this," reaching over to touch Kumijirou's head, "is my friend Kunihunit."

The man bobbed his head in greeting, "Hello."

"If you wanted to play with us you can. We won't stop you."

Ivan clapped his hands, "Really? Vhat is wonderful. I have perfect game: hide-and-seek!"

"Um, sure, ok!" Matthew said with a quick glare at Alfred when he opened his mouth. Needless to say, Alfred didn't want to keep quiet but, he knew Matthew was trying to be nice, so he silenced his compliant.

"I will seek first and den we take turns, da?"

Matthew nodded, "We'll go hide then." Matthew turned and grabbed Alfred before swimming into the small coral maze in their back garden; the same place he first met Francis.

"But, Mattie, I -" Alfred protested, no longer able to keep silent.

"Shhhhhh! Be quiet! I need you to go find Arthur; I don't like that guy, and I don't think Arthur would either. There's something off about him and I don't think it's safe to be by ourselves."

"But... what are you going to do?"

"Hide, me and Kumiguni, he needs to think we are still playing so he won't get suspicious."

"Okay, I suppose. But what if-"

"One! I'm coming children!" Ivan's shouted, finished counting, and Matthew shoved Alfred away from the maze, back towards the cave.

"Go!" Matthew cried as he raced into the maze with Kumijirou beside him.

Alfred whimpered softly but followed his brother's order, swimming as fast as he could back to the entrance. But, as he rounded a corner he almost ran smack into Ivan, who was peering at possible places the boys might have hidden. Alfred quietly swam back around the corner and fretted. Crap! He almost saw me. A hero would never get caught, I'll have go around the other way, even though it means backtracking. Alfred pushed away from the wall and headed back towards the maze, careful that Ivan didn't see him.

But even though Alfred was trying to be sneaky, Ivan saw a flash of blue light reflected off Alfred's tail when he swam away. Said Russian smiled as he decided to follow the merling.

Alfred made his way through the back yard, heading toward the coral maze entrance, unaware of the Russian trailing him. Lucky for him, Ivan was more interested in finding Matthew than Alfred. Ivan thought the boy was too stuck up and rude, he liked the nice, quiet one better. He would make good friend, he thought. Lost in a daydream, the Russian missed Alfred diving into a nearby bush as the merling realized he was being followed.

Ivan blinked his eyes, and headed into the coral maze as Alfred sat helpless. I could go get Arthur, Alfred thought, but that's not what a hero would do! He would follow the villain and rescue the victim from his clutches! Besides, Mattie is pretty good at hiding, it would take a while to find him. I'm sure he's fine; but, just in case, I'm going to follow that creepy guy, and save the day!

Ivan quietly stalked through the maze, occasionally stopping to peer at the coral, looking. Matthew was huddled in as tight a ball as he could manage; hiding behind a large, red coral fan. His tail coloring helped him blend in as he stared at the Russian, coming closer.

Ivan felt Matthew's eyes on his back and slowly turned until he saw the small curl dangling from behind the large fan. The Russian chuckled as he approached, "Found you!", before reaching around the fan and grabbing Matthew by the arm.

"Hey! What-? Alfreeeeddd!!!" Matthew cried before Ivan slapped a hand over his mouth, silencing him, and swimming away: Matthew in tow.

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