Ivan Acts Like Slenderman

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"So how are we getting in?" Kumijirou quietly asked Alfred. The two had arrived at Ivan's and were now swimming the perimeter of the fortress trying to find a way in.

"Um, I'm actually not sure, but don't worry, the hero will find a way!" Alfred said. Kumijirou shushed the merling exasperated, "We don't want to be noticed, could you quiet down?"

"Try to be quiet? Oh! So you mean like be a ninja!" Alfred saw an open window, low enough that he could peer inside. "Oh yeah! I can do that, watch this!" Alfred got low and streaked out from the weeds that kept them hidden and surrounded the property, to a clump of sea vegetation below the window. He popped his head out, a leaf stuck in his hair, and looked back at Kumijirou. He smiled and gave the seal a thumbs up before disappearing back into the bush-like vegetation. Kumijirou saw Alfred move through the bush to the window ledge, predator like, actually quiet for once. Alfred slowly raised himself up so he could see inside. A dark hallway lined with paintings curved off in either direction, the only other decoration was an end table with a vase of sunflowers on it.

Alfred turned back and saw Kumijirou frantically waving. "It's all clear, no scary Russians!" he called, waving back. Kumijirou shook his head and disappeared in the weeds, going who knows where. A chill voice spoke out from behind Alfred, "Scary Russians? You mean me, da?" Alfred froze, hand still in the air, and mumbled, "Ah shit...."


Arthur had just made it to Ivan's. The tracking spell is almost too bright to look at now, so Alfred must be nearby! he thought. Indeed, the orb was now like a tiny sun clasped in his hands. He felt a strong tug in his stomach to the right tower of Ivan's palace (if one would call it that). He was more determined than ever, having Alfred so close, he threw caution to the wind, swam right up and impatiently rapped his knuckles against the huge iron doors.

The door swung open.



"Gilbert are you shivering?" Antonio asked, swimming next to the albino, who was indeed trembling.

"Uh, NO! It's just that- ... well, the last time I was here, ... I guess you could say I was thin ice and things didn't end well." Gilbert shuddered. He looked ahead of them, watching Romano yelling at Ludwig as Veneziano tried to calm him and Francis sniggered, watching the scene unfold. "Your ass is grass, Herr sassafras!" Romano cried, trying to tackle the huge German, but fell and scraped his elbow on some rough rocks. "OW! MOTHER OF A -"

"ROMANO!" Antonio shouted over him, "Come here, and leave Ludwig alone."

Romano snapped at Veneziano when he tried to help him and yelled at Antonio, "You can't tell me what to do you jerk bastard!"

Antonio sighed, swimming up to where Romano lay in the sand and scooped him up. "If you listen I might have some tomatoes for mi little tomate~"

"ToMaTOeS!" Romano cried, clearly delighted, but quickly scowled when he saw Antonio smiling at his enthusiasm. "Uh, I mean, tomatoes!? Why would I want those you bastard! Are you trying to poison me?!"

"Oh, come on, you love them, don't fake it!" Antonio chuckled. Romano grumbled under his breath but didn't immediately insult Antonio so he thought that was a start.

"Antonio, ve're here." Ludwig called. He had lead the others down the last stretch of the road to Ivan's. He was crouched behind a wall of vegetation surrounding the property with Francis, Gilbert and Veneziano cowering next to him. Antonio didn't realize they were so close and quietly crept the rest of the way to join them, setting Romano down next to his brother. Antonio crouched down next to Gilbert and smiled softly at the Prussian, who was obviously terrified. Gilbert only shook his head and focused on Ludwig who was speaking, "Alright, here's the plan. I, Francis, Gilbert and Antonio vill split up to check out the perimeter and see vhat ve can find. Veneziano, you stay here with Romano and keep quiet."

Veneziano and Romano both started to argue with Ludwig's plan, "Ve~ Ludwig! What if Arthur comes? You know he scares me and I would rather stay with you!"

"Potato bastard, you can't tell me to stay with my idiot brother, he smells like wurst! Besides I can't leave Antonio, who would take care of me!"

Ludwig sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Fine ... Veneziano, you're vith me and Francis. Romano, go with Antonio and Gilbert."

Francis shot Ludwig a glare, "Hurry up! I know Ivan has my Mathieu, the longer we sit here complaining the more likely it is I'll find him dead! Let's go!" He rushed off to the left with Ludwig and Veneziano following. Antonio turned to his comrades and gave his sunniest smile. "Well, amigos, that leaves us! Vamonos!" He took Romano's hand and swam to the right, following the borderline of bushes. He only went a little ways before he realized Gilbert was not behind them. He stopped and looked back.

The albino was still crouched down, not moving, staring blankly at the dark castle. "Gilbert, vamonos! We have to find the chicos, Francis needs us." Antonio called softly, so not to be heard by the castle's occupants. Gilbert looked at him and gave a sad smile. Antonio was thrown off, he had never seen an expression close to that on the Prussian's face before and it scared him. Gilbert rose slowly and swam to Antonio and Romano.

"What's wrong, Gilbert? Something is clearly bothering you, so don't give me that, 'I'm awesome and nothing bothers me! I can handle it!'. I have never seen you act like this before, so it must be something important."

Gilbert fidgeted before he sighed and looked at his slowly swishing fins, "Vell, I just got lost in memories, I suppose. I - ..., I just almost died here, so ..."

"Que paso?" Antonio gently prodded.

"I vas young and decided I wanted Ivan's territory for my own, so I attacked him. Needless to say I, ... I lost. Ivan choked me out and when I voke up, I found that one of my men had saved me, and we had to swear to Ivan we wouldn't attack again- it was his territory."

"Ah... are you alright being here? Because, otherwise you can sit this one out, go back to the spire, we could meet you there."

"No, I vill be fine," Gilbert looked up and a tiny smirk spread across his face, "I am awesome after all."

Antonio chuckled and motioned for Gilbert to take the lead, "Then, after you."

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