Kumijirou Gives a Pep Talk

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"Ve~ Ludwig did you see that?" Veneziano said, latching on to the German's side and knocking him off balance.

"Vell, I might have if you hadn't knocked into me." Ludwig growled.

"Ludwig, I'm scared.... It was like a big, dark shadow floating on the water's surface." Veneziano whimpered.

"Vhat? ... You mean you saw a boat?"

Veneziano nodded, "Sí, whatever that is, it was a big one too."

"Stay close to me then, if there are boats, there are humans."

The two continued swimming, still carrying their sleepy companions. The water became darker as the sun set. The bioluminescent algae on the rocks they passed started to glow, lighting their way. The mermens' eyes adapted to the darkness using their ability to see heat. But with it being dark, it was a harder for the mermen to see things not giving off a heat signature; therefore, having no idea it was there, Veneziano swam right into the opening of a fishing net.

"EEekkk! Ludwig, heLP ME!" Veneziano squealed, as the net's opening closed. He thrashed around, trying to free himself.

Ludwig dropped Alfred roughly on the sand and tried to help Veneziano out of the net. His webbed fingers had a hard time getting a grip with Veneziano panicking. "Veneziano, calm down! HOLD STILL, VERDAMMIT!!!" The Italian froze, his eyes wide, panting heavily.

"Veneziano, I vant you to calm down. Look at me, deep breath, okay? Don't panic, you'll be fine." The merman mutely nodded and started to try and relax.

"Gut, now hand me the seal." Kumijirou had awaken when the Italian had started to yell, and now sat terrified in the pasta pot Veneziano still clutched. Veneziano carefully grabbed Kumijirou around the middle and handed him to Ludwig through a large hole ripped through some of the knots. Ludwig took Kumijirou and set him down in the sand next to him, not noticing the seal racing off. The German turned back to Veneziano, who had managed to get ahold of himself, at least enough to stop crying.

Veneziano huddled in the bottom of the net as Ludwig tried to convince him he could fit through the hole Kumijirou had just went through. "NO! I'll get stuck! Please, don't make me...."

"Veneziano, look, I'm right here. I'm going to try and rip the hole wider so you won't get stuck. Please... if you don't, the humans will find you, ... and you know what happens to us when humans get involved. Now, through the hole."

Veneziano sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Okay... Ve~ ... Don't leave me."

"I would never." Ludwig said firmly, spreading the net as much as he could with his hands. "Now, again, through the hole."

Veneziano stuck his head and arms through easily but got stuck at his shoulders. He whimpered a little as he wiggled, the rope chafing his skin. Pushing one shoulder through, he managed to free an arm and pull himself out of the net. He shot out, not unlike a cork on a champagne bottle, the rest of his slender body and tail fitting through with little problem. He collapsed on the ground, and the normally stoic German wrapped his arms around the smaller merman as he calmed down.

"Grazie, Ludwig! I thought I was done for!"

"I wouldn't leave you like that."

"I know, but I guess it's too late to get my pasta pot, huh? And where are Alfred and that seal?"

"They're right- vhat? Vhere did they go?!" Ludwig stood and looked around, not able to spot Alfred and Kumijirou anywhere. "I set Alfred down vhen you got stuck and the seal was right there, I ..., vhere could they be? ALFRED!" Ludwig called, cupping his hands over his mouth like a megaphone, "Please, Alfred! Come out! Nothing's wrong, Veneziano's fine! Come on, ... ALFRED!" Ludwig started to get frantic when the merling didn't come swimming out from behind some coral, laughing with some sea creature he'd befriended.

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