A Happy Family

191 8 13

As asked for by Crazy_Otaku600 - Alfred and Matthew's parents

"Boys~ Wake up! We're going on an adventure!" Alfred and Matthew's mother, Amelia, sang, sweeping into their small, shared room. She swished her blue and white tail, the same blue hue as Alfred's, as she scooped Matthew out of his sheets and spun him around in a circle. Matthew squealed, "Mom!" She laughed, a sound like bells, and tossed him up and danced with him across the room. Alfred sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes and laughed at the sight before him. Amelia chuckled and gave Matthew a hug before letting him down and ruffling his hair; Matthew hugged her waist and smiled up at her, eyes glowing.

"So boys, what about it? Ready for some excitement!"

Alfred shot out of his bed and pulled at his mother's white t-shirt. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! What are we doing?"

Amelia only winked and shot them her bright signature smile. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see."

"Come onnnnn, mom! I wanna know!" Alfred whined, pulling on her hand now.

Amelia shook her head, smiling wider, she brought the hand Alfred wasn't hanging onto, to her lips and whispered, "I can't. It's a secret, and you won't know if you don't come eat breakfast~" She freed herself from the twins' clutches and swam out of the room, her shoulder-length, amber hair trailing behind her. "I made pancakes~" she sang.

That got their attention. Matthew zoomed after her, with Alfred close behind; shoving each other playfully down the small hallway from their room to the kitchen.

They sat on the kitchen stools, fidgeting, at the counter in front of their mother. She handed them each a plate filled with pancakes and syrup a moment later with a flourish. "As your father would say, bon appetit!" She trilled, as the twins dug in greedily.

"Bon appetit, eh? It's only worthy of bon appetit if it's my pancakes," a low, gruff voice said from the kitchen doorway. Amelia stuck her tongue out at the tall man leaning in the doorway. His blond hair was tied back in a ponytail with a few wisps hanging in front of his face, almost covering his dark violet eyes. He had on a red flannel shirt, open over his chest, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His dark red, almost burgundy, tail powerfully propelled him as he swam to the counter. "Bounjhour, pahpa." Matthew looked up and said through a mouth full of pancake.

"Bonjour, Matthew, Alfred." Matt gave each of them a pat on the head as he addressed their mother. "So Amelia, what's the big occasion?"

Her eyes twinkled as she spoke, "We're going on an adventure! Don't worry, Matt, you'll come with too! Then it'll be a full family adventure!"

"Mhm," was the only response.

"Come on, Matt, it won't be fun unless you're there, too. Right, boys?" Amelia gushed.

"Yeah, you should come!" and a "Well, it would be nice," answered in response. Matt looked at the three of them giving him puppy dog eyes and resigned himself to the day in their company. "Fine," he grumbled, "but let me make the pancakes from now on."

Amelia swam around the counter and planted a kiss on his cheek before handing him the spatula. "All yours," she said, gesturing to the cooking area, smiling widely. Just a trace of a smile flitted across Matt's lips as took the spatula. Alfred and Matthew fake gagged but giggled when both their parents gave them a look.


"I don't understand why you had to bring your hockey stick. It's not like you're going to use it." Amelia said, swimming next to her husband, who was carrying said hockey stick over his shoulder. The family was swimming along a path on the ocean floor, cutting through the towering kelp. Amelia still hadn't told them where they were headed, when they left she had grabbed a prepacked bag she had at the door and headed east. Amelia struggled to keep up with Matt and the boys racing ahead since she was carrying the large bag strapped to her back. Matt took the bag from her shoulders and slung it over his own. "You never know when you need a good ole hockey stick. Someone might just be begging for me to crush them in a game of hockey."

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