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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I rushed outside of class as the last bell rang. I headed to my locker.

      I was close to my locker till I heard the voice of the most popular girl in school call out my name, "(Y/N)!"

Her voice made my hairs rise up. Beads of sweat trickling down my forehead. I turned around slowly. She stood there with her possy. I said in my shaking, yet kind voice "y-yes."

      "What are you doing in the hallways, I told you if I saw you, ever you would not like what's coming," she said while giggling at the end.

      "No! P-please, D-do-don't," I said pleading, but to no avail.

      She stepped closer and closer with the other two at her side.

      I covered my face with my forearm, because a foot was coming for me. They kicked my stomach instead, making me fall back to the floor with a, thump! I hurled in the floor.

I could of fight them but I knew they would not go as far as kill so I didn't fight back, the'er weak opponents.

But before they could hit me again a teacher came from behind and a they scurried like a bunch of cockroaches. I sighed and dusted myself off and opened my locker and headed home.

Timeskip (I like em alot)

      I sighed as I slammed the door behind me.

      "Oh sweetheart, I got a surprise for you," she said as she gave a motherly smile to me, as I threw the backpack that was over my shoulders.

"Yes, mom," I said giving a smile of my own to her.

"I got something you really wanted for a long time," her smile seem to widen. I cocked my head in interest on what she meant.

She started to walk to the kitchen and I followed her. She pointed over to the kitchen counter and there I saw a gift card and this meant I could get the best game ever

      I hugged my mom tight, saying "thank you" a bunch of times.

      I grabbed the gift card and ran upstairs and put the 15$ dollars in the tablet(don't ask I didn't know what is supposed to be said... yea).

      I searched Minecraft then I bought the game, waited it to load.

      Once it finally loaded, I tapped the app and the screen showed the word 'Mojang' the name of the company of the best game ever.

I tapped the play button, I then tapped make new world. I named it 'mob leaders' and the seed too. I made the world infinite.

I finally pressed load, but as I did so I began to fell light headed and I passed.

I opened me eyes and I saw a beautiful blue. I got up and looked around me, I saw lush bright green grass, the trees looked more colorful and lively. Some yellow and blue Flowers's here and there. There was a little pond right next to me, water a dark blue, it looked so clean.

      I stared in awe at my surroundings, but I snapped out of it and asked in my head 'where the fricking french fries Am I at."

      I stood up not knowing where the hotdog am I.

      I kept staring at everything around me. It felt familiar... very familiar. Suddenly the realization hit me... MINECRAFT!!


Edit: so uh, if you want you can skip ahead, to the chapter, I don't want to die, which is the better rewrite... just a suggestion.

I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now