I don't want to DIE!!

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It was Friday, one of the very last Friday's, for summer. I push through the thick crowd of chatter, and giggles; trying to go a certain direction, only to be pushed another direction, by the crowd. I barely dodge a boy that ran past me, that called out his friend, thinking that I'm a ghost and he can go through me.

Took me a while but I finally reached my locker, putting my hand on it, as I huffed out a sigh.

After a little break I pop open my locker, and put my books onto the floor, and then and pulling out the backpack, and stuffing my books into it. Then I swing the backpack over my shoulders.

'Damn, this backpacks heavy,' I  thought as I went down the schools now empty halls. 'Wish the hallways were empty as this when walking to class, all these kids are annoying, their high pitch screaming noises give me a migraine, but then again, what am I going to do about it, I can't just yell, 'hey! Shut your fish holes, your giving me a migraine,' no, I can't. They will think I was impolite, and probably dislike me, not that I care, but I want no problems.'

While I was monologuing internally, I didn't notice the foot that planned to trip me, until it was too late, and I'm already on the floor, landed on my knees and palms, which made hard contact with the school floors. The heavy backpack, slapping my back, making me falling on my forearms.

I whip my head to look at the direction of a girl that stood there, shoulders shaking trying to stifle her laughter; blonde hair, with magenta streaks in it, and dark blue eyes, filled with laughter.

'Ava, Ava Tipris,' I thought. 'The tripping hazard, and more like Ava Tripis.'

I gave her a blank look, as I stood up, and walked down the stairs, as I heard her stifled turn into a roar of boisterous laughter from behind.

I tried to focus on the sound that my feet were making, then running back to punch her in the face, and knocking out some of those nice whites of hers.

I gave a slight sigh in frustration, as I push the front doors open, and make my way to my favorite waiting spot, besides a big tree in front of my school, for my mom.

I wait for a while, until a white, minivan came into my view, the women in the front seat with (H/C) hair, came into view. She waved to signal for me to come over.

I walked at a sedate pace over to the car, and greeted with a: "Hi mom."

"Hey, sweetie. How's your day?" She asked.

"It was good," I lied, as I opened the front seat door, then closing the car door once more.

"Good! Well, I have a surprise for you at home, it's on the kitchen counter," I looked over at her curiously, as I raised an eyebrow, she only kept on driving.

I looked over to the window, knowing she would not tell me any time soon. Curious of what it might be. Guessing all possibilities, and what it would be, and what brought this up.

A three minute drive and we've arrived at the house. I was quick to dropping my backpack on the couch, and heading to the kitchen where I saw a envelope.

"Open it," said my mother from behind; I didn' notice she was there, and almost jumped out of my skin.

"Sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to scare you," she said, while giggled, as she put her hand over her mouth to stop the giggles from coming.

"Not forgiven," I said with a irritated huff, as I crossed my arms.

"I think you will forgive me after you open your gift," she said confidently, slightly pointing her head higher

"Yea right!" I said, as I walked over to the kitchen counter, and carefully open it(meaning I just teased it apart. What? Don't give me that look).

Inside the envelope, was a gift card, and guess what a apple gift card can get you, apps. And what app don't I have, and always wanted? If you guessed Minecraft, then let the bells, ding ding, and flash green cause your right!

I ran over at me mom, and gave her a big hug, and ran off to upstairs, not before yelling back at my mom, when midway of the stairs; "you are now forgiven!"

I entered my bedroom, and unplugged the apple iPad from charger, and turned it on. I put in my password, and tapped the App Store, and tried to find a way to put the money on the gift card to my App Store account, took me awhile but I finally did it.

I tapped the search bar, and typed in, "Minecraft," then tapped the search button, it loaded up quickly, and minecraft was their. I tapped the download button, and it slowly began to download, I waited in excited anticipation, as I watched the app, as the empty circle filled with white, in a circular motion, like a clock.

When finally the app loaded, I was quick to tap it, and press the play button on the beginning screen. I tapped at the, "Create New World." I went to setting, and turn the cheats on, but out the game into survival mode.

I named the world, "Mob Leaders", and the seed, "Interesting." I was about to tap create world, when suddenly screen blink white, scared and panicked, and I faltered to press the create world; but shortly after I convinced myself that it was just the old iPad's age, and it was only a one time thing I tapped the create world button.

The white bar started to load, with green, as the green increased, my vision starts to become hazy, and blurry, black dots then started to dance around my vision, my body movements, I could no longer control.

'I don't want to die,' I thought in a panic. 'No,no, no,nO,nO, NO, NO NO, I don't want to die, someone, please help me! Mom, MOM!'

I desperately tried to scream out, but I was just too weak to do so, big fat tears rolled down my cheek. The black dots in my vision grew, I breathing became heavy heaves. I started to grow tired, my eyes drooping, but I wouldn't die just yet, and tired my hardest to keep my open, but at last, my eyes dropped, and my vision was all darkness, and there was silence, a long silence.


Hey... well, i said i would update yesterday, well I kinda lied●3●; well not really I just forgot. But um, yea, sorry it took so long, uh... have a nice day or something, bye.


I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now