Well Hope...

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Meh/Author P.O.V.

      You stayed just thrown over like a rag doll, not knowing where you are going

      You sighed as this walk was taking ages, it was sunset by this time, and you only heard the gravely ground as they walked.

      'The sunset would be prettier if I weren't captured,' you thought, there bored.

      "So what is a human like your self doing in the middle of no where, just sleeping carelessly under a tree," the white haired guy asked you.

      You stayed silent in response to his question.

      "You were talking earlier, are you broken or what," he said with a bit of inpatient.

      You decide to talk since you did not want to make this guy angry, who knows what he can do.

      "I-I really don't remember, I-I just.... woke in the middle of the forest," you said whispering the words as you heard the gravely steps, as you also lied hoping he buy into the lie.

      "Interesting... well okay, do you have a name," he said asking for your name.

      You cheered in your head that he believed you, well at least as far as you can tell.

      You sighed uncomfortable because you were over his shoulder on your stomach and it's makes anyone uncomfortable, to be honest.

You squirmed a little trying a least move a bit, which you'd succeeded.

After that you decided not to leave the question of the white haired guy unanswered.

"(Y/N), how about you," you asked, oh so innocently.

He chuckled a bit and answered ", Sebastian."

      It was silent the whole way there, but at least it wasn't as uncomfortable as before.

Smol Time skip (brought to you by Puns)

      "We are here," Sebastian announce out loud, mostly to you, as you 6 stoped.

      You tried to bend towards to look at the direction Sebastian was looking at.

      You only looked at it for a few seconds before getting tired, but you knew how'd it looked.

      It was a big dark oak door and cobblestone walls and fences on the side of the top. There were a few guards up there.

      "Open the gate the lord is back!" you heard but in another voice the skeleton was speaking, don't know how is beyond you, but you also heard the loud creaks and dragging against the dirt and gravely floor as it opened.

      They started to walk again, you didn't know how to feel about going into this kingdom, but hope this is not bad

      Well hope...


      YES!! This is longer, anyways thanks for reading.
      Please comment they are my motivation:3


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