Wait! Who Flicked My Forehead!?!?

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

'No way this is possible, I passed out and I'm probably dreaming, yeah that has to be it(or your going insane that too)' I thought as I looked around at the beautiful scenery freaking out.

After of thinking that, I decided to walk around.

      I went up to a tree and touched it, it was strange well not the tree but this place.

      I walked around for hours, till everything was tinted pink, and orange from the sunset sky.

     I sat against a tree giving up thinking there's nothing here besides random cows. chicken, pigs, and sheep that are running away from me.

Night suddenly came, you were tired you wanted to sleep so you fell asleep.

     "Oí," you heard someone say as they flicked your forehead.

      'Wait!! Who flicked my forehead!?!?'


Anyway thanks for reading even though right now I have like 2 views but I'm grateful of those 2 views though.
I like comments too so please do that I will most likely respond to you.
And I know this is short but it's better then nothing.


I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now