Too Close(plus important, A/N)

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So uh, hey... So, I'm just here to say, that it turns out I can't do this, because I actaully have to many other stories, well their are not a lot; but in my pinion it seems to be a lot, since I do procrastinate, and having more stories to update means more work, means more procrastination, I might continue to do this, but at the same time that's highly unlikely.

I will continue to write this story(maybe), but it might not get published, it'll just for me and for my sister to read

Sorry about this, because I said I was going to continue this and I feel like I'm sorta of lying but I did make some if the chapter when I said I was gonna continue writing this, um here you go. (The last but ever probably added to this book/story.)

I opened my eyes, seeing the unfamiliar ceiling. My eyes go wide, as I jolt up, and start to look around the beautifully furnished room.

The memories suddenly rushing back to me, where I was, and what just happened; especially the unusual people I've met, (or should rather say weirdo*cough* copper *copper*). At least their some sort of nice.

I pulled the covers on me, off of me. I hopped off the bed silently, and went towards the door, opening it, with a click. I peeked my head out into the quite long hallway.

I meekly looked to my right, then to my right, I saw no one. I turned to my left, a face infront of mines, and I wouldn't have a problem, if is face was not one inch away from his. Nose and nose were almost touching, I could feel his breath on my lips, as weird as that sounds.

I jumped back startled, and stumbled backwards landing on my butt harshly.

I looked up to the guy that surprised me. His brown messy hair, his tattered green-blue shirt, and blue jeans. His eyes were dark colored and it had a strange tint of green, in his dark eyes, which was sort of odd. His skin was peach colored, but he had the same green tint as his eyes.

He was hunched over a bit, and seemed to be in, like a sleepy state, his face, held no expression.

I picked myself up, and I was about to say something, till he drew closer towards me. He grabbed my wrist, a grasp of an iron first. He pushed my against the wall, and neared his head to the left side of my head; as I struggled, a bunch of times, even though it was futile, his grip was too strong. I could fell his breath against my ear, I shuddered.

"Zeal, let her go," a voice said, reminding me of Sebastian, and who could have guess, it was him.

He came over to push Zeal harshly away from me. I let out a audible sigh. As I looked over to Sebastion and gave a thankful(and full of relief) smile.

"Well, Zeal, would you apologize?" Sebastion asked, as he looked at Zeal.

Zeal shaked his head, as he seemed to try to make himself look, and feel awake as it seems. He looked up at me, he mumbled a small apology.

"I have a strong senses of smell, and I couldn't help but notice, how you have an unusual naturally nice smell, not trying to mean it in a creepy way, " Zeal explained, his words were shy, and almost barely unhearable, also pink dusting his cheeks slightly, at the end of his sentence.


Well, that's all I wrote and if you skipped the beginning, it a VERY important A/N. Anyway, this is bye, have a nice fulfilling, beautiful day/night.

I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now