In My Own Bed

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Meh/Authors P.O.V.

As you were on his shoulders, you heard Sebastian say ",your here early..... well, that's unfortunate. Well, what does Herobrine want this time, Copper."

As he said the name Copper and in distain(is that right word, IDK) for the name and the person.

The warmth that you did not notice from Sebastian voice earlier was gone.

"Yep, aren't you glad to see me. I can hear it in your voice," the 'Copper' guy said with mechief in his tone of speaking.

Finally after you on his shoulders for awhile, he plops you down on a red comfy chair, Now you can see how the mysterious voice belongs to, looks like.

He had brand new Copper coin, color hair, quite messy looking hair to say the least.

He had a light green hoodie that had a creeper face on his chest, he had red ruby eyes, also he where'd a dark grey pants and a pair of black shoes.

Copper stepped closer and was about to speak but Sebastian said something before Copper could say anything.

"Do have a reason to be here, or you'r just here to make my life miserable," he said sneering at the guy named Copper.

"I like to say both, because it's true," he said flashing a mechiefvious(<- guys do you know how to spell this word right tell me) smile.

"Tell me the real reason," he said sternly and impatient.

      "Well okay, we might know where Steve is, and possibly even notch, but I doubt it," he said while inspecting you from head to toe.

      This made you uncomfortable, and made your face tint lightly with a pink.

      Luckily Sebastian notice this and blocked his view, for reasons unknown to you.

      "Well that is good, and I too doubt notch will be there too, but since your going back to Herobrine's castle I might as well give the orb," he pulled out a sliver white glowing orb that was the size of a marble out of his pockets inside of the vest, and handed to to Copper.

      As Copper grabbed the 'orb' he said ", so who's the girl, or should I say pet~."

      Sebastian scoffed, but not after saying ", well she could be from the stories, she has the looks and all, plus the strange kind of vibe."

      For you all you heard was muted out because you just notice the green four legged creatures, four of them to be exact.

      There dark eyes with shining red orbs for pupils, stared right back to you into your soul.

The Conversation Of Copper and Sebastian

      "Should I take her to him, then?" the Copper guy spoke.

      "No," Sebastian answered simply.

      "Especially not with you Copper," Sebastian said with hate.

      Copper put his hand to his chest and pretended to be offended ", I would never! How dare you think I'm like that."

      "Because I know you, a little to well, for just allies," he huffed out.

      "Heh, well I'll be off I guess it was nice chatting but duty calls,"

I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now