Wonder What's Going To Happen.

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Meh/Author P.O.V.

     The five of you entered and you saw humans?

You didn't know anymore, except that it was embarrassing that Sebastian was carrying you.

You sighed as you could not do anything about it.

      As you walked by houses and village people, you have arrived to once again to another enormous door.

      Which you tried to bend to see and saw the same setup from the first gates you went through, but bigger.

"Open the gates, the lord has arrived home," said the voice from earlier.

      You could here the creaks and groans of the door, and also the familiar sound of dirt and gravel having something heavy being dragged on the floor.

      As you entered the doors you just notice the big dark oak castle, and you went up to the gates of the castle and they opened, wonder what's going to happen.


Sorry I lost motivation and please comment idea like I seriously need em' I can't, I have horrible writers block and barely motivation. Anyways please comment it 'tis motivation:3


I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now