Wait Aren't They Like Enemies, I'm Confused

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Meh/Author P.O.V.

You fluttered your eyes opened and there you saw a guy with white hair in a small ponytail, grey vest, and white shirt underneath, dark grey pants, and black shoes. His eyes were a silver with a black outline.

You shrieked at the sight of him, he covered his ears and yelled ",ahh! Geez quiet down you will ya, or my ears will bleed."

You quiet down at the sight of 4 skeletons with bows (in there heads, jk) in hands, and carrying arrows in a pouch/bag behind the guy.

      "Oh I see you quiet at the sight of my friends here~" he said purring the words out.

      You stayed silent afraid of what he'll do to you, then suddenly a thought hit you there and then, 'wait don't like players/humans get attacked by mobs and they are like enemies, well something like that.'


Yep I know, short but whatever a least I update and can you like please comment it's like my motivation.

I Asked To Play Minecraft, Not This (HumanMobsXFemaleReaderXHerobrine)Where stories live. Discover now