Ein's Childhood

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while! I've been super busy and I went on a camping trip. Anyway, here's a little short story about Ein! It's not true, I know, but it was fun to write! Anyway, that's all for now! Bye guys!

Ein's pov

I stood in my room, staring out the window at the kids that were playing across the street. I sighed as I watched them then I heard the door to my room open and close. My ears perked up a bit when I did and I turned around to see who had entered my room. It was my dad.

"Ein, what are you doing?" my father's voice boomed.

"Watching the kids across the street play. Father, do you think I could go play with them?" I asked, hopeful.

"No, you can't. I've told you that before. Now, get changed into something nicer. We're having a few guests over and I want you to be on your best behavior," he replied.

"But I don't want to be here with the guests, I want to go play," I said.

As soon as I said that, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek and I knew my father had just slapped me. I whimpered a little and teared up a bit from the pain.

"Get changed and I don't want to hear you asking me if you can go play with those other kids." my father growled, his tone threatening.

"Y-yes father," I answered.

He then left my room and I quickly got changed. I then walked downstairs and the doorbell rang right as I reached the bottom step. I walked into the foyer and stood next to my mom as my dad answered the door. A man who looked to be about the same age as my dad was standing on the porch when my dad opened the door. With him was a woman who I assumed was his wife and a little girl who looked to be around my age. She was short and had long black hair and hazel eyes. She had dark purple werewolf ears and a tail and she looked like she might be a nice person. My father let the people in and greeted the man.

"Hello there, Jacob. I'm glad you could make it." my father said, shaking hands with the man.

"Hello Matthew. Thank you for inviting myself as well as my family to dinner. This is my wife, Christina, and my daughter, Allie." the man replied, introducing the woman and little girl with him.

"It's wonderful to meet you. I'd like you to meet my wife, Becca, and my son, Ein." my father said, introducing my mom and I.

I smiled at them and my mom suggested that I give Allie a tour of the house while the adults talked. I agreed and gestured for Allie to follow me. I showed her the family room, kitchen, dining room, downstairs bathroom, the den, and the backyard. We then went upstairs and I showed her the upstairs bathroom, my parents room, the hallway closet, and, finally, my room. Once we got to my room, we decided to just talk in there for a bit and I sat down on my bed, patting the seat next to me as a way of telling Allie to sit next to me and she did. We talked about a lot of stuff and she was really sweet and, if I had to be honest, adorable. She was the same age as me, which is five years old, we had some stuff in common. After a while, my mom called the two of us downstairs for dinner and we both happily walked downstairs. To be honest, even though I just met her, I think I have a major crush on Allie. Actually, I know I have a major crush on Allie.

~time skip to seven months later~

I've had a lot of fun over these past seven months. I've been able to play with Allie a lot and we always have so much fun. I've told my mom about my crush on Allie and she thinks I should confess. I've been thinking about it for a while and I decided that today was the day I was going to confess. I was just about to leave my room so I could ask my parents if I could go play with Allie when my mom entered my room, a sad expression on her face.

"Mom, are you alright? You look sad," I said to my mom as she sat down on the end of my bed.

"Ein, sweetie, come here. I have some news I need to tell you," my mom replied, gesturing for me to walk over to her.

I walked up to her and she picked me up, sitting me on her lap. I was confused as to why she seemed so sad and, after a moment, my mom took a deep breath then spoke.

"Ein, I have some bad new about Allie. She was...killed." my mom said.

"W-what?!" I asked, clearly shocked by this.

I didn't understand. Allie was killed? How? Who killed her?

"I'm so sorry, Ein. Her mom said she was killed by an Ultima but they're just a legend. She most likely died of a heart attack or something similar," my mom said.

Tears began to form in my eyes and my mom pulled me close to her. I then buried my face in her shoulder and cried. She gently rubbed my back, rocking me back and forth a bit, and quietly hushed me. After a moment, I began to feel tired and fell asleep. I couldn't believe my best , and only, friend and crush was killed.

~time skip to ten years later~

Today's the first day of my Sophomore year of highschool. I've already been deemed the omega werewolf and a teacher was suspicious about my piercings on my ear. Today's also the ten year anniversary of Allie's death. I was currently being talked to by the teacher who had been suspicious if my piercings and then I saw a girl with long black hair and hazel eyes. She looked like Allie but without the ears and tail. Maybe that meant something. I see girl who looks like Allie on the ten year anniversary of Allie's death. There has to be a connection. It couldn't just be a coincidence.

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