Chapter 32 The Drill

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We easily spotted our group plus the family quickly. They had made some progress in walking since we left. I don't want to see their reactions to the Fire Nation Machine.

"Aang, Addi, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa?" Katara asked us as we flew down. The family looked at me in surprise, seeing me fly. Well my cover might just be blown. Oh well. We have bigger problems.

"We were. Something stopped us though, something big." Aang, Toph, and I all used Earthbending to speed our pase to the wall, making it in a few minutes. Then we lifted us up the wall on a rock platform.

"Now, what's so big that Appa has to wait?" Sokka asked. How could he not see the drill?
"That." Aang pointed to the drill, slowly making it's way to the wall. Flanking it, were many tanks. Inside, I knew that firebenders would be waiting to take down anyone in their path.

"We made it to Ba Sing Se, and we're still not safe. No one is." Ying says starting to cry. Fearing the worst for her family.

"What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall." An earthbender soldier told us.

"I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever's in charge." Aang ordered. The soldier looked at us in surprise, but took us to the General anyway.

"It's an honor to welcome you to the outer wall young Avatar, but your help is not needed." General Sung said after introducing himself.

"Not needed?" Aang voiced what we were all thinking in our head.

"Not needed." The General smugly said. I would love to hit him right now. "I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded."

"The Dragon of the West did." Toph said, startling him.

"Well...uh...technically yes. But he was quickly expunged. Nevertheless, that is why the city is named Ba Sing Se. It's the impenetrable city. They don't call it Na Sing Se."

"You'll have to if the Fire Nation get in." Thankfully, no one pays attention to my muttering. "You still have the drill problem."
"Not for long." The General pays attention to me, great. "To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team."
"That's a good group name." Sokka thought it over. "Very catchy."
"Don't even try to find a group name for us." I threatened him.

We looked over the edge of the wall, looking down at the Terra Team as they attacked the drill. They didn't make it long, two people exited the drill to deal with the earthbenders. They skillfully took down all the earthbenders without any help.

"We're doomed!" The General cried. Wow...what a man. Sokka, being the other manly person decided to slap him.

"Get a hold of yourself man!" He cried out.

"Maybe you'd like the Avatar's help now?" Toph suggested. It was funny to see the General begg us to help him, considering he was all smug about the situation a few moments earlier.

" do we stop it?" I asked what all of us were probably thinking. After a few moments, all of us turn to look at Sokka.

"Why are you looking at me?"
"You're the idea guy."
"Even though some of the times your ideas ether fail or plain suck." I finish Aang's thoughts.

"Hey, my ideas don't always suck, and I'm the only one who can come up with a plan? That's a lot of pressure."
"And also the complaining guy." Katara sighed.

"That part I don't mind." We all groan at Sokka's response.

Another group of earthbenders, this time without a team name, gathered the Terra Team members from the field. They were all groaning in pain, lying in the infirmary.

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