Didn't See That Coming ~ Part III

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Tay's POV

I was not looking forward to this. Everyone is about to leave and I'm gonna be the only one waving while they leave. The guys were helping the girls with their bags. Ugh I wish I could be apart of that!!!

Kiki's POV

So me and prince have been talking a lot tonight. I think he's growing feelings for me.

Kiki: so how come Bahja, Nique, and Bre weren't here

Prince: i don't know they were here then they left

Kiki: coco told me it was cuz Nique left her curly iron plugged in

Prince: Classic

Kiki: haha that's exactly what I said

Prince: *laughs*

He has the cutest laugh ever.

Prince: so how come Tay isn't putting her stuff on the bus

Kiki: her parents aren't letting her go

Prince: what?!

Kiki: exactly her parents are trippin

Prince: haha

Back to Tay's POV

I've gotta find a way to go on tour. I went to my mom's truck to get my bags. I secretly put them in here so I could come up with a plan. I grabbed all my bags and put them with Mo and Jaz's bags. The guys won't know who's bag is mine.

It's 11:52. 8 minutes till this bus leaves.

Tay's mom: Tay get ready to leave as soon as the bus leaves, we are too

I looked at Jaz, Mo, and Kiki and they looked like they were about to cry. I went to give them hugs.

Kiki: we can't leave you here

Jaz: we're like sisters

We all did a group hug and pulled away. Then the guys walked up to me.

Prod: we wish you could stay

Tay: it's my parents

Roc: you should just stay

Tay: but I can't my parents will kill me

Roc: you gotta stay you'll miss out

Tay: well what am I supposed to do

Ray: we'll help

No one's POV

Kiki, Jaz and Mo all said goodbye to their parents and siblings.

~With Mo

Mom: bye sweetie have a safe trip

Mo: I will mom

Dad: call us if anything goes wrong!!

Mo: I will daddy

She gave them both big hugs.

Janelle: by sis. Bring me a souvenir from each place you to

Mo: ok boo

Then they hugged and Mo got on the bus.

~With Kiki and Jaz

Dad: are you girls sure y'all wanna do this? Cuz if you don't it's totally fine

Kiki: I want to. It's a good experience to tour with other ppl

Jaz: yea and it's just six months

Mom: I can't believe my babies are about to go on a trip by themselves!!

Kiki: aww mom don't cry

They gave both their parents hugs.

Dad: and here's someone else that wants to say something.

Their little sister, Laurynn, who is four walked towards us.

Laurynn: when will you gwuys be back

Jaz: six months

Laurynn: will I ever see you gwuys again

Kiki: yes laur of course

Laurynn: pwomise?

Kiki/Jaz: promise

Then they hugged. Then Tay's parents came.

Tay's mom: has anyone seen Tay?!?!

Tay's dad: she's nowhere to be found

Keisha: is she on the bus

Prod: no she's not we already checked

Roc: wait I thought we were---

Ray: NOPE...haven't seen her

Prince: *slaps roc*

Then there was laughter.

Keisha: well it's time for us to leave now

Kiki: bye guys!!

Tay's mom: what about my daughter?! We have no idea where she is

Walter: well we hope you find her

Kiki: *thinks* wait where is Tay??

Everyone waved as the bus drove away. Keisha and Walter were on one bus when we were on another.

Jaz's POV

We were a all on the bus. It was quiet at first, mainly cuz the loud mouth aka Tay wasn't here with us.

Prod: I left something in the back. I'll be right back

Us: ok

Mo: so where are the omg Girlz??

Roc: they're in the back

Kiki: they're not gonna bother saying hi to us??

Then prod came back out.

Prod: guys!! You will never believe what I found??

Us: what is it

He showed us.

Girls: TAY.????????!!!!!!!!!!!


More to come!! Prepare for some drama!!! ~Kiki

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