I don't get nervous. Ever.

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Prompt: "You think I'm nervous because you're interviewing me for this high end job but actually it's because you're stupidly hot"


This was crazy. Lauren was not one to stumble over words and tap her foot on the floor. And she was definitely not one that was easily flustered by a smile.

Okay, let's rewind this shit to the beginning.


Lauren was on her way to her most important job interview of her life so far. It was for an executive position at Banana Records. - Miami's biggest music producing studio. It was run by the one and only Camila Cabello. Lauren had never actually seen or met this Camila Cabello despite being fairly big in the music industry herself, she'd only heard the rumours about her.

Rumours, so many rumours about one person; one being that she was gay which she actually confirmed about a year ago, another being that she made Austin Mahone cry because she couldn't be bothered to deal with him during his album production. But the most debated rumour is whether or not she's a flirt.

I know, I know, random rumour to discuss but Camila had this habit of one day being the most adorable creature on earth and the next you're hearing that she managed to sleep with Ariana Grande. It's all revolving over whether this kind being is actually a dangerous flirt or if the people she's with are the ones flirting. It's a ridiculous thing to argue over but she's a female in a big business, people will ask stupid questions that men would never get.

Alright before this turns into a rant, keeping with Lauren. She had just sat down to wait for her interview. Despite getting up late she actually got here early. Unfortunately, she couldn't check to see who was interviewing because she was so late waking up. However, Lauren was not one to be panicked, she kept her cool, she was so chill that the receptionist was concerned.

"You okay honey?" She called across the small room. Lauren smiled warmly and nodded.

"I don't get nervous." Was all she said in reply. The small girl laughed and shook her head.

"Damn, I wish I was like that. When I came for my interview I was shaking like a leaf." She shuddered slightly before fixing Lauren with a bright smile. "I'm Ally, Mila's assisstant." Lauren grinned at her and nodded.

"I guess you know me." She said, gesturing to the computer. She wasn't being a douche, Ally had literally just signed her in.

"Lauren Jauregui."

It was like Ally's lips didn't even move. In fact they didn't. It was someone else calling Lauren's name.

"Yo over here!" Lauren looked towards the voice and saw a very tall, very beautiful woman waving her over. Lauren walked over, digging her hands into her pants pockets.

"Yes?" Lauren asked curiously. The woman looked her up and down before smirking.

"Oh Walz is gonna love this one." She muttered. "Dinah Jane Hansen. Walz sent me to get you for your interview." Lauren nodded. Who the fuck was this Walz? And wait, wasn't Dinah like Camila's best friend?

"So, who's interviewing me exactly. I couldn't check this morning." Lauren sighed as they walked down the hallway. Dinah shrugged and smirked slyly.

"Oh, no one really. Just someone who works here. No big deal. You'll be fine." Dinah reassured her. Although the mischievous glint in her eyes did not convince Lauren one bit.


They arrived in front of a sleek black pair of double doors. Lauren couldn't see the nameplate on the door as Dinah was in the way. Dinah knocked before throwing them open and leading Lauren in.

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