Muses and Distractions

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Prompt: "Shush. You're distracting me." / "Well, that is what I do best."


Lauren was writing. At least she was trying to write. She'd had these song lyrics rolling around her head for weeks and they'd finally stopped long enough for her to have a small break and write them down.

She was sitting on the floor of the hotel bathroom; laptop sitting on a closed toilet lid, legs crossed with a notebook resting on her thigh, pen hanging loosely from her mouth. Her legs covered by tight yoga pants and a baggy Halsey t-shirt hanging off her shoulder, her hair tied up in a loose ponytail. She was mid composure when Camila walked in.

"Hey Lo." She said happily, tiptoeing past and sitting on the rim of the bath. Lauren glanced up at her, smiled with the pen in her mouth before looking back at her laptop. Camila watched her work for a while, pen scratching on paper, keys tapping on the laptop before being hurriedly erased.

"Did you want something Camz?" Lauren asked, not looking up from her notebook.

"You to love me." Camila muttered. Lauren looked up with a frown. Camila smiled and shook her head. "Just coming to see what you were doing." Lauren nodded.

"Songwriting." She said. Camila rolled her eyes and slid off the bath to sit next to Lauren.

"I see that dummy. What are you writing?" She asked, leaning over Lauren's shoulder and pushing down on her shoulders slightly. Lauren smiled and passed her the notebook.

"Just something that's been swirling around up here." Lauren replied, tapping her temple with a smile.

Camila read it and nodded slowly.

"It's beautiful." She whispered. Lauren gulped and focused on twiddling with her pen.

"Um, thanks." Lauren muttered, Camila glanced up and saw the bashful smile on her face.

"Seriously, I always love your songs." Camila grinned, chucking the book back at her. Lauren caught it and closed it softly. "Who's it about then?"

"What?" Lauren asked suddenly. Camila looked at her like she was crazy.

"Lo, it's a love song. You must have a muse." Camila said with a slight frown. Lauren scratched the back of her neck, nails dragging over her tattoo gently.

"Um, not really." Lauren frowned. Did she have a muse? I mean she's stuck with the girls on this press tour, there's no one who it could possibly be about. Right?

"Huh, well whoever they are, they'd be damn lucky to have that song about them." Camila said before getting up and leaving Lauren to write.


She was back about ten minutes later, sitting down behind Lauren and wrapping her legs around Lauren's waist. Lauren ignored it and kept tapping on her laptop but then Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, pulling her back to lay against her chest.

"Camz." Lauren sighed. She could feel Camila's smile against the back of her neck where her face was pressed.

"I'm bored." Camila whispered. Lauren felt the shivers go down her spine and she knows Camila felt them too.

"Go find Dinah then." Lauren said gently, trying to pry Camila's arms from around her neck. Camila whined and held onto her tighter. "Cam- no- Camila." Lauren laughed as Camila fell back and pulled her with me. "Camz get off." Lauren wiggled in Camila's arms and Camila giggled and laughed.


"Camz, you're annoying me." Lauren laughed, turning around in Camila's arms, placing her hands on either side of Camila's head.

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