Nothing can interrupt her now

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Prompt: "Can you not moan while devouring your ice cream sundae? I'm trying to watch tv."


Lauren had been peacefully catching up with Game of Thrones after Fifth Harmony's tour ended. Her house practically empty, save for her and the girls. She heard a knock at the door but God dammit dragons were on screen, fuck whoever was there.

Vaguely processing someone had let in the person at the door, Lauren heard Dinah talking to someone before laughing loudly. Must've been Dinah who opened the door. Shocker.

"Ralph! Chancho's here!" Dinah yelled. Lauren hummed, not really hearing what had been shouted at her.

"Don't bother, she's watching Daenerys. Nothing's going to interrupt her." Ally said, looking up from her phone where she was sat on the sofa next to Lauren.

"Sounds cool." Lauren mumbled. She heard Normani sigh before moving to the floor in front of the sofa Dinah had now claimed, letting Dinah run her hand through her hair.

Lauren felt the sofa sink in next to her and she smelt vanilla all of a sudden. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Camila sitting cross-legged next to her. Lauren looked back at the TV as the next episode began.


It'd been an hour since Camila arrived. If Lauren was honest she was surprised Camila stopped by. Sure it'd been a few months and any hard feelings between her and the girls was gone down the drain. Even management was finding it hard to reasons to keep the feud a thing.

"You guys want an ice cream or something?" Ally asked, groaning as she stretched her arms. Lauren hummed a negative but heard Camila's sweet voice asking for something, distracting Lauren for a second with the subtle husk to her voice. Lauren shook her head and tuned back into her show.

"I saw that Lauser." Dinah said with a smirk. Lauren flicked her eyes briefly over to Dinah.

"Huh?" Lauren asked absently. Dinah waited until Ally and Camila had left the room before snickering.

"You getting distracted." Dinah said smugly. Normani laughed.

"This is GoT, Laur doesn't get distracted." She pointed out. Dinah laughed quietly.

"Oh but Chancho's voice is just so sweet. Isn't that right Lauser?" Dinah teased. Lauren could feel her cheeks heating up but she kept her eyes and focus on the screen in front of her. "I bet Mila is the only thing that will distract Laur this episode."

Lauren rolled her eyes at her friends antics. Yeah right. This was top quality TV right here. Nothing, and she means nothing, will distract her from finishing this binge watch.

"You sure you don't want anything Mani? Cheechee?" Camila asked, leaning on the doorframe. Lauren felt herself twitch with the urge to turn just to see that curious, charming smile on Camila's face. The one she uses for just being friendly and a good person.

"Nah, we're good Chanch." Dinah said with her own smug grin, Lauren's twitch not unnoticed.

"Lo, what about you?" Camila asked. Lauren took a deep breath, losing track of the episode as she spoke.

"No thanks Camz." Camila shrugged before heading back to the kitchen.

"Never mind D. I take that bet. Laur's not going to last this episode." Normani snickered. "That was more than Lauren's said all day to any of us."

"Fuck off." Lauren grumbled, refocusing on the TV.


So it was about half way through the episode when Ally and Camila returned to the sofa.

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