Love in Lockdown

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A/N:  Ngl this was super fun to write and lord knows I need the distraction from this lockdown + my break up :/ 


And wash ya damn hands


Request from @my_little_panda on Wattpad: Something that fits everything that's happening right now?


"Have you seen the news?" Dinah's voice cracked over the phone and Camila looked up from her notebook.

"Uhh no?"

"Mani's on lockdown," Dinah wailed, "on the other side of the country."

"Wait really?" Camila grabbed her phone and started googling. Sure enough the entire state was on emergency lockdown.

"Oh shit," Dinah mumbled when Camila groaned, "You and Lauser are in LA aren't you?"

"Christ, yeah Lo had a photoshoot." Camila mumbled, turning on the TV with a grimace.

"You may wanna call your manager when Ralph gets back," Dinah mused, "and I've got to call Mani."

"I'll chat later." Camila said absentmindedly as she hung up.

What in the sweet hell were they going to do? Camila ran her hands through her hair and chewed the end of the TV remote.



Lauren walked into her apartment with a tired smile on her face.

"Babe, where you at?" She called.

"Living room."

She dropped her bag at the door and headed towards Camila's voice, coming to a stop at the sight of a frazzled Camila sitting on the sofa; she was surrounded by paper and her phone sat on the table, one earphone dangling against her chest, the other sat squarely in Camila's ear.

"What the heck is going on..." Lauren trailed off as Camila shushed her. She was listening intently to whoever was on the other side of the phone.

"Uh huh... mhmm... yeah no of course... but- uh huh." Camila's frown grew with each passing second and Lauren leaned against the back of the sofa with a raised eyebrow.

Lauren peered over Camila's head and saw Roger on the phone screen. She then glanced at the TV which had been turned down.

"Oh fuck." Lauren whispered, jaw dropping slightly as she listened to the story. "What are we gonna do?!"

Camila pointed at the phone with narrowed eyes and Lauren smiled sheepishly. Instead of hovering behind Camila, Lauren groaned and went about her 'get comfy' routine. AKA changing into sweatpants and a tank top before grabbing two beers.

By the time she'd walked back to the living room, Camila had her head resting on the back of the sofa with her eyes closed. Lauren smiled softly and padded over to stand behind her. Camila's eyes blinked open and a small smile spread over her face.

"Hey." Camila said.

"Hey." Lauren leaned over and pressed a slow kiss to Camila's lips. "Got you a drink." She slid the beer into Camila's waiting hand before making her way around to sit next to Camila.

"So, we're stuck together until this is over." Camila sighed, taking a long swig of her beer.

"Then I guess we should be lucky I bought this place and we're not in a hotel." Lauren chuckled. Camila nodded, drinking more beer while she thought.

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