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She loved her best friend and she knew that nothing could separate them, but she became scared that it would ruin there friendship. If the girl liked him would it ruin anything? She became scared but her friend told her she had to tell. She felt terrible, she didn't mean to have feelings for him but she did. He felt like her person. One day  The girl sat at the table with him and another friend. Her best friend looked traumatized in her eyes, she felt agonizing pain. In that moment, she was scared, scared to loose her best friend. Not only did she not have the boy, but her best friend got mad her for not sitting with her. But she knew it was more than that and the pain shot in her chest like a thousand bullets. Her head clouded with thoughts of, " could she ever forgive me? Is this about me liking him? Did I do something else? I'm a terrible friend. "  She shouldn't have told her best friend, maybe then all of this wouldn't happened and she could keep away her feelings like she once had for the boy and no one could ever know. She may have said it was okay. But was it really 'okay'? Would those words just things she would always have with her? She felt the pain back once again.

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