compare but cant share

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The boy: he had caused her so much pain and could she ever forgive the boy for the pain he caused her? He was the first person she ever loved and he was hers. He felt happy when she was with him. When she talked to the boy  all the feelings she had for him rushed back to her and it felt right. She felt love and she felt like it was right. The girl was in love with the boy, but he wasn't in love with her, at least not anymore. He caused her pain, and she wasn't sure if she could still love the boy.

Him: He made her happier, he made her the person she was before the boy. He showed her brightness and love. But he didn't feel the same so she didn't know how to take it. She never got sad when she was around him though. They didn't have much of a past, the only thing was her best friend had dated him once before. So would it be okay if she liked him?  She worried about this often, and would constantly think about her best friend. Every Time the girl and him where by each other she would try to keep her distance in fear that her best friend would get mad at her. She loved him more than anyone in the world, and did him also have tiniest feelings for her too?

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