everything was good. or everything was suppose to be good. but the girls new best friend broke her heart and told her she didn't want to be friends anymore. the girl sat on her bedroom floor crying her eyes were burning. "Everything was suppose to be happy and good. This was finally my time to be happy" the girl thought. "I'm suppose to be happy. Why can't I just be happy" she thought.
The new boy left. so she sat. wondering why. why everything that's happened to her has happened. why does everyone leave she thought. why can't I be happy for once he girl thought. why can't I have some crazy love story. why can't I just be truly happy. for once in my life, I just want someone to stay and love me for me and never leave me. I want to be able to embrace love. I want to be happy, please someone just or me be happy she thought.
lost & hurt
Short Storyfinding my way through life through back stabbing, lost loves, and hurting.