Chapter 2

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(Authors note: sorry I haven't updated this guys! I've been really really busy with school!)

Emmy's POV:

When I was done eating, I washed my dish and went upstairs. I was really in no mood to do anything else but sleep. I walked up stairs, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

Billies POV:

As soon as I woke up, my phone started ringing... I wanted to ignore it, but it was too loud. Damn volume. I looked at my phone and it was Jason. Why was he calling me?

Billie: Hello? Jase are you ok?

Jason: Yeah I'm fine... But I was reading some of the fan mail we got and erm... There's someone that needs help. Our help. She's alone and-

I cut him off

Billie: Dude it's probably nothing. Just some fan that's writing to us. That's all.

Jason: Billie... She's alone... She's young. We should at least check on her.

Billie: Fine... Tell Rob to get an address and I'll call Tré and Mike. Meet you at your house in twenty.

Jason: K. Thanks Bill...

I hung up, called Mike and Tré, and got dressed.

I drove myself over Jason's house and saw the guys already there. When I walked in I just saw them standing there with blank expressions on their faces. They were motionless.

"Are we ready?" I said. They all got up and followed me out the door. I guess I was driving.

"So Jason... where's this place at?"

"It's um... 143 Birch St. El Cerrito. Just... make it fast. Please."

What was wrong with everyone today? What was wrong with them? I wonder what that message said... I'll read it after we make sure this girl's ok.

The drive there was so awkward. No one was talking. It was kind of eery. Tré usually always talked your ear off in the car. And Mike... Well... he always told Tré to shut it. Jason was always quiet in the car. He usually was always quiet anyways. I was getting worried so I said something to break the awkward silence.

"So Jason... read me that letter would ya?"

"Um yeah sure..." He got his phone out and cleared his throat " 'Dear Billie, Jason, Mike and Tré, I love you guys and your music so much. You guys saved my life. I'm so grateful for that. Next, I know you guys probably won't read this because of the millions of other idiots writing, but I don't have anywhere to go. My parents went to Ireland to take care of my grandmother. I'm by myself. I'm scared. Rage and Love, Your Idiot,


I couldn't think of anything to say or speak. When ever I tried, nothing came out. The rest of the way there was just silent.

We pulled up to the house and Tré finally said something "Well... Here's the place... right?" Jason and I shook our heads. We all got out of the car and Mike walked up and knocked on the door. We all waited behind him.

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