Chapter 6

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(A/N, school is over so thank god. But now I have summer work for advanced next year and eh... ;-; )

(Car Ride) Emmy's POV:

When everyone got situated in the car, Billie drove to what I was guessing was his house? I only say that because they way we were heading was towards Oakland. I lived close to Oakland, I lived in El Cerrito, so like 15-20 minutes? Anyways, Billie was in the front with Tré who called shotgun before anyone got out of the door. I thought them sitting together was cute because trillie. Mike was on the right of me and Jason on the left. I was in the middle and I felt bad because I ship Mason too...

I was still star struck; I wanted to squeal but Jason, out of all people, broke the silence (thank god). "Hey, we should go get something for breakfast." He looked at Mike while saying it and I already knew what his response was.

"Yeah, I'm dyin' for a coffee over here!" Mike held up his hand pretending he had an empty coffee cup.

"Alright, alright, calm your man tits Mike... we'll go to McDonalds or something." Billie said. "You ok with that?" I'm guessing this was directed towards me, "Yeah that's fine!" I chimed in.

I still had so many questions going through my head. What do they think of me? Will they accept me? Will they even like me? I had to get an answer to at least one of them.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah!", Tré and Mike retorted, Jason and Billie with a "Hmm?".

"Do you guys umm... do you guys like me?"

Billie stopped the car at a light, turned around, and looked at me with sharp and stern, yet caring eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I looked at him in shock.

"Billie! Cool your shit man!", Tré said while holding Billie's chest, keeping him where he was.

"You didn't even know what I was gonna say Cool! You cool your shit!", Billie said while laughing. What a cute laugh.

"What I was go-"

"IT'S GREEN YOU ASS HOLE!",the guy behind us interrupted. Billie stuck his middle finger out of the car window until the guy behind us made a right.

"As I was saying", Billie said sticking his hand back into the car, "of course we like you! Right guys!?"

The three of them nodded their heads, and mumbled stuff like,"Yeah kid! You're pretty cool!","Oh man, yes!", and Tré with his obnoxious "YASSSS!".

I blushed a little at all four of their responses. I just sat their with my head down looking at the floor and my hands.

Jason elbowed me,"Hey you ok kid?" he said with a concerned face.

I looked up not even realizing I was crying. "Oh what?", I paused wiping my tears,"Oh yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about it."

Jason put his hand out for me to take and he had a reassuring smile plastered on his face. I gladly took his gesture; our fingers intertwined and he started to rub my hand with his thumb. I took this as an opportune time to lie down on his shoulder. I could her and feel him giggle as I did so. I felt him bring his head down to kiss the top of mine. By now I'm pretty sure I had turned a shade of red that was non existent. I was still tired and overwhelmed from what happened in the short hour I was awake, so I dozed off resting on Jase's shoulder.

"Emmy! Emmy, wake up!", I heard Tré scream. "Don't scare her you little shit! I was gonna wake her up." Billie spat at Tré.

"It's fine guys I was waking up anyways." I looked up to my left to see Jason passed out. Wow what a site. "Jase!" I whispered while shaking his leg.

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