Chapter 5

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(Sorry I haven't posted in so long! Just it's getting to the end of school and since it's my last year of middle school, I need to get my shit together for next year. Enjoy!)

Emmy's POV:

I ran upstairs and the guys followed.

"Mike, Tré! could you guys get all of the clothes from my room? It'll be faster if you guys help!"

"Sure!" Mike said, "where is it?"

"It's the first door on the left. I have a couple of suit cases down stairs in the closets. I'll go get them!"

"What can we do to help hun!?" Jason said pointing to Billie and himself.

"Um, hold on one second."

I ran downstairs to grab the suit cases and called them down to help get them.

"We're coming!" Billie said

They ran downstairs to find me with three suitcases in my hands, starting to lug them up the stairs.

"Holy shit!" the both of them said almost simultaneously.

I laughed and ran past them up stairs before Billie tried to take one out of my hand.

As Billie ran upstairs to try and get me, Jason was left downstairs so he got the other two and followed.

I went to my room and put two bags down. I took the other one to the bathroom and started to pack up about a years worth of toiletries. I packed just about the whole bathroom up. Billie came in and took the bag downstairs and set it by the door.

The three of us, Jason, Billie and I, went to my room to finish packing. I walked into my room and saw something only Tré would do... yeah he took one of my bras and a hat he found in my closet and put them on... I started to die laughing at him. Tré always makes me laugh!

"Tré stop it!" Jason said. His face was red. Probably with embarrassment. It was cute :)

"Ok mom..." Tré took the hat and bra off and threw them on the floor to be packed.

"Fine..." Jason said rolling his eyes, "it was just a little funny." he said laughing.

Tré had a smirk on his face after that. Smart ass XD

"Are you ok Em?" Billie said.

"Yeah of course! Why?"

"Well... Tré just um, yeah" he said with a confused yet disgusted look on his face.

"Oh my gosh that made my day!" Tré looked over at me and had a big smile on his face. He looked over to Billie and gave him the finger and stuck his tongue out. "Well, besides you guys coming here. I'm just really lucky I guess. I still can't believe it." I finished off

Mike spoke from the other end of my room ,"Well you're gonna have to start getting used to these wise asses and myself!" I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Oh I am already..." My eyes darted over to Tré. "I'll be watching you, you finger fucker..."

"OH MY GOSH!" Tré shouted ,"SHE IS A REAL FAN!"

"Pft of course!"

All of them laughed about the finger fucker thing for a while and then we started packing again.

I went over to my desk and got my computer, my charger, a phone charger, and my ear buds.

We packed all of my clothes and took the bags downstairs.

"Billie could you get my guitar? I'll get my ba-" Mike interrupted, "BUT I WANT TO GET YOUR BASS!" He whined.

"Oh my god... ok have fun with that." Him and Billie walked over and put the guitars in their bags.

The five of us ran out the door and packed my stuff in the car. I ran back inside realizing that I didn't do my hair. I ran back inside and got a few rubber bands and put it up in a messy bun. I ran back outside and locked the door.

"Hey Em!" Billie said while putting my guitar in the back of his car.

"Yeah Billie?"

"Don't you think your parents will mind us y'know, kidnapping you?"

I laughed a bit. "Nah! they won't find out, and if they do, I left a note on the kitchen table for them."

"Wow you thought of everything kid!" Mike said.

"Maybe..." I gave him a wink, and when Billie shut the trunk all five of us got into the car, and drove off to Oakland.


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