Chapter 3

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(I should be updating this more often... But testing and mehhh...)

Emmy's POV:

I woke up to a loud knocking at my front door. I sat up in bed and turned to my clock. It was 6:39 AM... I didn't want to go to school... I only had to because I guess if the school called my house there wouldn't be a guardian to answer.

I crept my way out of bed and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I planted my feet on the ground and walked over to my drawer. I got out my ¡UNO!, ¡DOS!, ¡TRÉ! shirt and some black skinny jeans. I slipped them on and got some socks and slipped on my vans and ran downstairs to get the door. I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the door.

It was Green Day

I fell to my knees and broke down in tears. So many questions raced through my mind. How in the world did they find me? Why would they find me?

Mike was in front of them so he got to me first and helped me up. He gently picked me up and took me over to the couch. He sat me down and looked at me with concern when he saw me shaking. I heard a sweet yet familiar voice say, "Sweet heart, are you ok?" It was Billie.

Mike sat down next to me on the couch and wrapped his arms around me. His hugs were so... comforting, and reassuring. It instantly made me happy. Tré and Jason walked over to me looking concerned also. They gave a look at each other that made me nervous.

Jason sat next to me on the other side of the couch and put his hand on my leg and made me feel safe and loved. Mike let go of me and went over to Billie. Jason put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. He started to talk to me when he got interrupted by Tré.

"Hey hun!" he waved and giggled a little.

I replied "Hey Tré! Man, my house is full of legends!" Tré and Jason laughed and I started to calm down. They made me comfortable.

"As I was saying," Jason said while smiling," how are you?"

"Well... shit honestly. My parents left for Ireland yesterday and didn't tell me. But... on the bright side, my four favorite people in the whole world are here! I never thought that that could happen." I paused. " But right now, I'm fucking happy!" I threw my arms around Jason and he hugged me back. His hugs were even better than Mikes!

Tré came closer to me and made a pouty face. "Where's my hug!?" he said in a whiney voice. "You'll get one eventually..." I said. He was still making the pouty face so I got up and said "Oh fine..." and ran over to Tré to give him one.

Billie and Mike came back over to us. I wonder what they were talking about. The silence was kind of awkward so I broke it. "So um... How'd you guys find me?"

"Oh well um..." Billie paused. It was so cute. "Jason actually found you. He was reading the fan mail. He called me and told me he thought you needed help, so yeah I called the guys and we came over as soon as we could."

I looked over at Jason and he half smiled at me. God damn it was cute. I couldn't help but give him another hug and say thank you.

Out of no where, Tré blurted out "I WANTED TO ADOPT YOU!" I let out a little giggle.

"SEE HOW CUTE SHE IS!? EVEN HER GIGGLES ARE CUTE!" Tré shouted. This time it was a burst of laughter. Mike went over and sat on Tré. "Continue," he said to Billie.

"Well um yeah. Since we're all parents, we just needed to make sure that a kid was ok. Even if you aren't ours." Billie paused and looked at Mike, and then back at me. His eyes looked like they were glassy. It broke me inside. I hate to see him cry.

His voice cracked. It melted me. "I um, thought well y'know. Since you don't have anyone to care for you, I thought that maybe we'd keep you for a while."

My heart sank...

(Chapter four coming very soon!!!)

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