Part 27

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As the elevator rumbled, Aliza shifted nervously on her feet. Flowey was tense on her arm.

There was a ding. She stepped outside, staring.

The city had once been beautiful. But now, it was old and crumbling. Only a distant building was perfectly preserved. She had the feeling that it was the palace.

"Nobody's gonna bother you." Flowey said, peeling off her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I just need to check on some things. I'll catch up."

Aliza nodded, starting to walk.


Flowey popped up in what had been Asgore's home. He pushed away a burst of sorrow, passing his and Chara's room. He stopped at a door, FRISK'S ROOM painted on.

He stopped at the sight of Sans.

The skeleton sat on her bed, considering a knife. The red glow showed what knife it was.

"It was so long ago."

Frisk's husband gave a start. He glared at Flowey. "Yeah..."

"Frisk was so little."

"What do you get?"

The question made the flower blink. "What?"

"Aliza's death. What do you get out of it?"

"Nothing. I miss Frisk, like you. That's why I'm with Aliza. Because as long as Undyne's alive, she's in danger."

Sans hummed, then nodded in agreement. "Fine."

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