Part 28

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Aliza entered a dark hall. From what she could tell, it was large. Several of its dirty windows were smashed.

She shivered, walking through.

The girl stepped through a doorway. Her foot made a squishing sound. The child glanced down to see that she had wandered into a patch of dead buttercups.

"So, Sans and Frisk had a kid."

The girl stopped, squinting into the darkness. Dim pieces of sunshine shone on what was a very old and dusty throne.

What was more horrible was the creature sitting there. Blue skin had scars all over, the webbing of her fin ears ripped to pieces. A bandage was wrapped around her eye, one yellow eye staring at Aliza. A crown made of what looked like a ribcage sat on her head. The black armor she wore, a red broken heart on the breastplate, was stained with blood.

"I was present at the wedding, you know." Undyne said, moving her hand upward. A red spear appeared. She considered the edge. "Frisk made such a lovely bride."

Aliza gulped.

"It is traditional for the fallen human to learn the story of our people..."

There was silence.

"WELL SCREW IT!" Undyne yelled, chucking a spear at the girl. Aliza ducked, it embedding into the wall. "Your mother stood in the way of our hopes and dreams! We should've killed her and gained our freedom. But, I will fix our mistake!"


Frisk let out a whimper as more spears were summoned. Gaster placed a hand on her shoulder. "DoN't WoRrY, mY dEaR."

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