Chapter twenty five

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The next couple months dragged on. It was a repetitive cycle of adjusting the house for Liza, planning the wedding, and trying to figure everything out. Liza and David hardly had any time together, so Alex decided he would spend the weekend at his friends house to leave them alone. David was going to take Liza to a movie premiere, then come back to the house and see what happens.

"Liza," David said. "Alex isn't going to be here for the weekend. I'm hoping you will go with me to a movie premiere tomorrow. It will be amazing."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Liza said.


The next day, after Alex left the house, David and Liza got ready for the premiere. Liza wore a light blue dress with white, embroidered heels to make her seem taller. She wore her hair in a bun. David wore a black suit with a bow tie.

"You look so beautiful," David said as Liza walked out of their room.

"I try my best every once in a while," she said with a giggle.

David kissed Liza, then grabbed her hand.

"Let's get out of here," he said.


As they were driving, they couldn't find where the premiere was taking place. Then, they got stuck in traffic.

"Shit," David said as he looked at the time on his phone.

"It's okay," Liza said.

"We are already late and LA always has fucking traffic."

"Babe, it's okay. Don't freak out. We will get there."

"We probably won't-"

"If we don't, we will do something else."

David sighed, then kept driving.


A few minutes later, Liza called the venue.



Hi, this is Liza Koshy. I just wanted you to know that me and David Dobrik will not be attending today's premiere. There is an emergency. We would have loved to come.

"What are you doing?" David whispered.

Thanks for letting us know. Hope you are safe.

Thank you.

After Liza hung up the phone, she told David to pull the car over.

"What are you talking about?" David asked.

"Just pull over," Liza said.

They pulled into a gas station.

"Liza-" David said.

"Get out of the car. I'm driving."


"You heard me."

David opened his door the same time Liza did. They switched places, leaving Liza driving. She couldn't see over the steering wheel very well, so David stacked blankets from the back on her seat so that she could see.

"What are you doing?" David laughed.

"You'll have to wait and see," Liza said. "Little do you know that this night will be better than anything."

David chuckled.


After a couple minutes, Liza pulled into a back road off of the freeway. As they were driving, David started seeing sand and more greenery.

"Where are we?" David asked.

"I'll explain it in a minute. For now, just crank some music and roll down the windows."

David smiled as he turned up the playlist that they had made together. Liza rolled down the windows, allowing them to stick their hands out of the car. Liza and David screamed the lyrics as they drove down the hidden road. No one was around, so they were louder.

A few minutes later, Liza pulled the car into a small round about. There weren't any other cars around, but it didn't matter. Liza grabbed David's hand and led him down a path that hadn't been walked on more then 100 times. Liza and David moved and ducked out of the surroundings that were blocking their path. At the end, they were greeted by the sound of waves and a small, private beach.

"Holy shit!" David said.

Liza smiled and hugged David from the side.

"Where are we?"

"My beach," Liza said.

"What do you mean?"

"When I was younger, I came to this beach everyday and thought about everything and anything. I have never seen anyone else here, so I call it 'my beach'."

"This is amazing."

"I know. It's so quiet. I came here a lot when you weren't at the house when my apartment was ruined. It was the only place that I could go to and still feel at home. I haven't told anyone about this until now."

"Wow," David said.

Liza kicked off her heals, causing them to land with a splash of sand.

"Come on!" Liza yelled as she ran towards the water. David kicked his shoes off, took his socks off, and followed her.

Liza stood at the shore with her arms out and a smile on her face as David lifted her up and spun her around. Liza took David's hand and led him to a rock.

"What's this?" David asked.

"My thinking rock. I did most of my thinking at the very top." Liza started climbing, motioning for David to follow her. David smiled and climbed after her. Once they got to the top, they both sat down and watched the waves hit the shore.

David grabbed Liza's left hand and stared at the ring. He kissed it, then let her hand drop onto her thigh.

"Let me show you something else," Liza said. She climbed, and then jumped off the rock and onto the sand. David followed her, then stood beside her as she put her feet in the water.

"There used to be a swing here. It was a tire swing. There was a storm one day that knocked it down. But I used to swing on it and land in the ocean. It was so much fun and was a distraction from everything else." Liza guided David over to the branch that it used to hang from. Two strings were still wrapped around the top of it.

"Did you ever find out who put it there?" David asked.

"No, but I don't want to know. It would take away the magic of it."

Liza then ran over by the water while holding David's hand. David picked her up, while Liza wrapped her legs around his waist. She put her hair down, allowing the mist from the ocean water to cause waves in her hair.

"I love you," Liza said as she kissed David.

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