Chapter twenty six

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Liza woke up with David beside her. They were in their bedroom. Liza thought back to last night.

Liza POV

I remember David talking to me on my beach last night. I don't remember everything we talked about, but I remember the words that made my heart burst.

"Liza," he said.

I looked into his beautiful eyes as he started to pour his heart out to me.

He said he loved me in a way that couldn't be described. He told me that he promises he will always put me first. I told him to stop talking and to keep those beautiful words for his vows. His goofy smile lit up the dark beach.

He still had his tie on. I took it off and held it in my hand. The wind made it dance in the sky, creating a silhouette at the break of the horizon.

He asked me if I had ever gone past the jagged rocks that were at the end of my beach. I shook my head. I never even went on those rocks. I guess it was because of the fear of the unknown. He took my hand and led me to the rocks.

We were barefoot, and climbing on the wet rocks was difficult enough. The ocean water sprayed the rocks, leaving them cold and slimy. When we got to the edge of the rocks, we saw water. Lots of water.

"Let's jump," he said. I told him that there was no way in hell I was jumping. I told him it could be too shallow or there could be rocks at the bottom. To spite me, he dropped a rock into the water. With a large splash, we never saw the rock again. He said that meant the water had to be deep. He unbuttoned his shirt, took off his pants, and then unzipped my dress before I could even say anything.

"Ready?" He asked so confidently. Hesitantly, I nodded. He grabbed my hand and jumped, bringing me with him. My heart was pounding the whole way down, corresponding with my screams. With a splash, we hit the water, but not the bottom. I popped my head up, seeing David smiling and laughing. I laughed too. His wet hair stuck to the back of his neck. I wrapped my legs around him as he kissed me. I tasted salt water, but I liked it. I knew that all of my makeup was floating in the water beneath us. David kept kissing me, but I wanted it. After a few minutes, David pushed away, saying that we needed to get back onto the sand. I nodded as he lifted me onto his back. His back was cold, and I realized that we were both feeling the same, freezing water. He found a dry path that led to the beach. It must have been made by the same people who made the swing.

Once we made it onto the sand, David dropped me from his back. He grabbed my dress and his clothes while I grabbed our shoes. I led David back to the car. After we put our clothes and shoes in the back, he blasted the heater. It caused instant relief to my shivering body. David held my hand, kissed it, then put his hand onto the steering wheel.

It was really late. I don't remember the exact time, but I know that it was really late. I felt my eyelids become heavy and I fell asleep to a "Bleachers" song from our playlist. I woke up, my hair still smelling like salt water. I saw David next to me, still in only his boxers. I was still in just my bra and underwear.

David POV

Seeing Liza as happy as she was on that beach only fed my happiness and need to make her smile. She was right, everything about last night was perfect. I don't know what it was, but I had to jump into the water off of that cliff with Liza holding my hand. I knew she was nervous, but I knew she wouldn't regret it. As we jumped, the cold water shocked my body.

As Liza came up, her smeared makeup only made her more beautiful. I kissed her, tasting salt water and makeup. I was so cold, and I  knew Liza was too. I held her on my back as we, luckily, found a dry path to walk on. When we got back to the beach, I got really tired. It had to have been the middle of the night when I grabbed our clothes. Liza was only wearing a bra and underwear, and seeing her like that only made it funnier to see her makeup running down her face.

We didn't have towels, or anything for that matter, in my car. I turned on the heater, seeing Liza shiver from the heat. I kissed her cold fingers before I drove away from the beach. Liza told me how to get back to the freeway, then fell asleep. She was so beautiful when she slept. It was even cuter to see her resist her urge to fall asleep. Once she was asleep, it was just me and our playlist.

It took a little while to get home because of how far away we were. When I pulled into the driveway, I got out of the car and picked Liza up and out of the car. She didn't weigh anything, so I easily carried her to our bedroom. Her body was warm again and she was only a little bit sandy. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we walked into the house. I lay her on the bed and kissed her forehead.

I went back out to the car to get our clothes and shoes, then hung them up in the laundry room. I was too tired to shower or change, so I fell asleep next to Liza in only my boxers. I later woke up to Liza's beautiful eyes looking at me, then smiling.

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