Chapter 33: Tucker Alexander Seaman

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Chapter 33: Tucker Alexander Seaman


*Five Months Later*

I was sitting on the couch, cuddled with Ronnie, when the phone rang. I groaned and sat up, grabbing my phone and curling back into him.


"Jacky, you and Ronnie need to get to the hospital right away. Your sister is in labor." I groaned, sitting up.

"We'll be right there, bye."

"Bye." He said and hung up. I turned my head and kissed Ronnie before standing up.

"Come on, let's go." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

"Go where?" He asked, standing up as I pulled my shoes on.

"Hospital. Jasmine's in labor."

"Oh." He said, sliding his shoes on. I grabbed the keys and we walked out of the house and out to the car. We got in and I started it up, pulling out and driving to the hospital. Once we got there, I texted Ryan and sat down, Ronnie sitting next to me.

"Jacky!" Ryan exclaimed, running out. He looked horrible. He looked stressed and scared at the same time. His hair was everywhere and his eyes were wide. "Jasmine wants you." I nodded and stood up, following Ryan to my sister's room.

"Jasmine, I brought Jacky."

"Jackyyy!" She squealed, holding her arms out to me.

"Hey sis, how are you feeling?"

"Greattttt." She smiled.

"They gave her some pain meds." My mom said and I nodded.

"Well, I'm going to get back to the waiting room, can't wait to see my new neice or nephew." I said as I walked around the bed and hugged my mom. They had decided to wait to find out the gender, so nobody knew what they were having.

"Bye Jacky!" She said, waving to me like a child. I wished Ryan good luck and left, walking back to the room.

"Hey Jacky." My dad smiled, sitting next to Ronnie.

"Hey." I said as he came up and hugged me.

"How's your sister doing."

"Oh, fine. She's on some pain meds."

"That's good." He smiled, sitting next to Ronnie again. I sat on the other side of Ronnie and grabbed his hand, resting my head on his shoulder. Ronnie and my dad continued to talk about various things as Ronnie rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"Jacky!" I heard Sarah squeal as her and Ron ran in.

"Hey." I said as she tightly hugged me.

"How's Jasmine?"


"That's good." She said, running over to Ron and sitting down next to him.


My mom walked out with a huge smile on her face.

"So?" I asked.

"The baby is very healthy. I'm not allowed to tell you what it is though. Ryan will be out in a few minutes to bring you guys back." I nodded, my mom sitting down next to me.

"So, Jacky. Do you think you and Ronnie will ever have kids?" All the color drained from my face and my eyes went wide. I bit my lip and slowly looked over to see Ronnie smiled down at me. He kissed my forehead before going back to talking to my dad. I looked back over at my mom and shrugged.

"I don't know." I said quietly. I took my free hand and grabbed the collar of my shirt, bringing it to my mouth.

"You never grew out of that, did you?" She laughed, grabbing my hand away from my face and pulling my shirt down. "I tried to break you of it when you were little." I just shrugged again. All of a sudden, Ryan walked out with a huge smile on his face. He called back his parents, my parents and Ronnie and I.

We all got up and followed Ryan into the room. We walked in and saw my sister sitting up in bed, holding a blue bundle. I smiled, my parents on one side of me and Ronnie on the other side.

"What's his name?" My mom asked.

"Tucker Alexander Seaman." Jasmine smiled down at her son.

"Would you like to hold him?" Ryan asked and we all nodded. He grabbed his son from Jasmine and let his parents hold Tucker first. They made their comments and then passed him down to my parents, who passed him to me.

"Hey Tucker." I smiled down at my newphew. "I'm your Uncle Jacky." I said a few more things before passing him off to Ronnie.

"Hey Tucker, I guess I'm your Uncle Ronnie. Don't turn out like your dad, we don't need another one of those." Ronnie smirked before looking up at Ryan. "Wow Ryan, he looks a lot like you."

"I guess he does, doesn't he?" Ryan beamed. Ronnie handed Tucker back to Ryan and we all walked out, Ryan following us to bring the rest of the band guys back. Ronnie and I decided to go home and I drove.

I couldn't stop thinking about the way Ronnie was looking at Tucker, almost like it was his own son. That got me thinking if Ronnie and I ever had a baby. Would he want to? After talking to my mom about it today, I'm starting to want a kid, and I think Ronnie would be a great dad.

We got home and resumed our position on the couch, Ronnie's arm wrapped around my while I cuddled into his side. A couple hours later, we went up stairs and climbed into the bed. I was laying there, wrapping in Ronnie's arms when I decided to bring it up.

"Ronnie, do you ever want to have a kid?"

"What?" He asked, pulling away and looking down at me.

"Just, today got me thinking. With my mom's conversation with me and with Tucker, I think I want to have a kid."

"But Jacky, we're both dudes." I just laughed.

"We can get a surrogate, or adopt. We can use Sarah!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know J-"

"Come on Ronnie, please! You know you want a kid, I saw the way you looked at Tucker. By that look, I can tell you're going to be a great father."


"Yeah! And we don't have to do it right now. I mean, we can wait until after Jasmine and Ryan's wedding. After everything settles down. Look, I agreed to watch Tucker while Ryan and Jasmine are on their honeymoon, you can make your decision then."

"Alright, I'll think about it." He smiled.

"Great, thanks. Love you." I said, kissing his lips.

"Love you too." He said as I cuddled into his chest.


Oooh, should they have a kid?


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