Chapter 16: Back On Tour

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Chapter 16: Back On Tour


"JASMINE! SARAH! HURRY YOUR ASSES UP!" I yelled as I stood at the door with my 2 suitcases.

"I got your suitcases Jacky" Ronnie suddenly appeared at my door.

"O-oh um okay" I said and he picked them up.

"JASMINE! SARAH!" I yelled, stomping my foot and saw Sarah appear with two suitcases.

"Go to the bus, now" I said, pushing her out the door. "JASMINE! GO TO THE BUS WHEN YOUR DONE! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" I yelled and hurried down the back stairs. I got to the bottom and was behind the complex. I looked around and saw no one so I quickly pulled out a ciggeratte and lit it. I got a couple drags before I heard my name.

"JACKY!" I heard Ronnie call and quickly stomped out my ciggeratte before heading back up.

"Yes?" I asked, as I ran in to him.

"Everyone's in the bus, we gotta hit the road" I nodded and pulled out my keys. I locked the door and followed Ronnie down the stairs, to the bus. We got in and started moving.

"So Jacky, you gonna introduce us? They haven't spoken a word" Ron said with a smirk.

"Jasmine is my sister and Sarah is my best friend, NONE of you mess with them or I'll cut your motherfucking d!ck off" I said, not able to keep a straight face.

"Hey" Jasmine chuckled, pushing me.

"Oh my God, you guys have accents like Jacky's?" Ryan wondered, bouncing a little bit causing them to chuckle.

"You child" I groaned, jokingly.

"You mean accent by brittish?" Sarah asked.

"Then yes" Jasmine said and Ryan looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Okay so one brittish person isn't enough for you?" I asked, looking at him then leaning back.

"Are you a hot girl Jacky? No" I leaned around everybody and death glared him. "Woah" He said, holding his hands up in surrender. I let a little growl escape from my throat and he started laughing. "Fucking hell Jacky! Calm down!" I growled once more before relaxing a bit.

Once everyone was asleep, I got out of my bunk and walked over to Ronnie's room. I knocked on the door quietly and I heard shuffling. I then saw a tired Ronnie open the door.


"Were you asleep?" He shook his head.

"I'm wide awake, can't fall asleep" He groaned.

"Well can we talk?" He nodded and let me in. He closed the door and sat down on his bed.

"What's on your mind?" He asked as he patted the spot next to him. I hesitentaly sat down next to him and sighed, rubbing my bare knees since I was just in my boxers.

"I-I've made up my mind... ab-about us" I stuttured and his eyes widened.

"Alright" He said and I took a deep breath. I crashed my lips with his and pulled away after a few seconds.

"I love you Ronnie and was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend?" I asked with a smile and he smiled back at me.

"Of course Jacky" I smiled and hugged him tight. I pulled away and kissed him passionatley.

"I love you so much Ronnie" I said, very quietly, staring into his eyes.

"I love you too Jacky, so, so much and I never ever want to lose you again" He said, resting his forehead on mine.

"Same here babe" I chuckled and pecked his lips, grabbing his hands in mine. "Do you wanna sleep in here tonight?" He asked innocently.

"Of course" I smiled and pecked his lips once more. I layed down in his bed and he climbed in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you" He whispered into my ear as I dozed off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and Ronnie was still asleep. I decided to let him sleep in and wiggled out of his grasp. I walked out of his room and grabbed a muscle shirt from my bag before heading out to everybody else.

"Oooh Jacky boy got some action!" Ryan chuckled, pelvic thrusting in his seat.

"Ahh shut up you sick pervert" I chuckled as I grabbed a Monster. "Nothing happend last night" I said as I sat down.

"Then why were you in his room?" Derek asked with a smirk.

"Because we're dating dumbass!" I said, a smile coming to my face.

"Woah, when did this happen?" Jasmine asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Last night" I said with a shrug.

"Awww" Sarah and Jasmine cooed, hugging me.

"Alright alright" I chuckled and they let me go. Just then Ronnie came out and the girls started giggling. I kicked Jasmine's foot and her and Sarah stopped.

Ronnie sleepily grabbed my chin and tilted it up, pecking my lips before going to get some water. He sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and the girls awed again. I glard at them and they silently giggled. I rolled my eyes jokingly and rested my head on Ronnie's bare chest.


Awwww! They're back together :3 <3


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