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"Where are you?"a voice greeted him as soon as he put his phone near his ear."I'm on my way to the school now,waiting for the bus."He said as his eyes roam around the station bus.

"All right. If you're looking for us,we'll be at the back garden."

"Yeah."he ended the call just as the bus had arrived. He slid his phone in his pocket and with a sigh he climb in the bus. He looked around for an open seat before he took a seat near a window. He rummage through his back pocket and took out a black earphones then stuffed it in his ear with leaving one hanging.

As the bus began to leave the bus station, he pressed on the play button and then tilt his head looking out of the bus as his eyes look out following the clouds drifting.

The bus came to a stop for it is picking up other passenger from the next stop. The bus getting more crowded as more people getting in. A man then, taking a seat next to him as the bus started to move. Away from the first stop.

He was too immersed in his song when suddenly a voice interrupted his concentration.

"Move your filthy hands off of her or I'll break your hand."

He looked up to the front. A girl was coldly glare down towards a man who's hand were on top of a younger girl thighs who were fortunately next to her-the girl who were glaring. They were standing holding onto the rail as the other seat were taken.

"This is not a goddamn club. You think that I will stay still when you're secretly harassing her now would you?"

The pervert - as you could say - were still yet to let go of his hand. The girl snapped and twisted his hand roughly and she take the change to punch the man in the face before pushed him making the man stumbled and soon fall flat on the bus corridor. The pervert make a leave at the next stop out of humiliation. The other passenger were only watch in aw-ed as the girl turn on her heels to where she just stood.

Her eyes roam around the bus. Giving cold glances to the other passenger. Soon her eyes met up with him. Do Kyungsoo. Which make him flinch -her eyes sending daggers to all of the ignorant human being. After a split second she diverted her eyes to the now trembling little girl.

"What a pain."she mumbled as her eyes stare down to the little girl.

"Hey,it's fine."she mumbled to the little girl."No ones gonna hurt you."she patted her head.

"Thank you."the little girl mumble back as she sobs.

After a while, the bus began to slow down indicating a halt for the next stop. Which mean Kyungsoo's turn to leave. He grabbed his backpack and walked out of the bus. He put back his earphone away. His eyes wondering around the road, minutes later he found himself in front of his school gate. Which he didn't realized as he was busy staring at his surrounding.

He passed through the gate and directly headed to the back of the school. Where his other member would be. The back garden.

"Hey guys."he greeted with a big smile.

"Oh,you're here."

"So what are you guys doing?"he question as his brows knit.
"Nah,just chatting."he made an understanding face as he take a seat next to Kai."Where's Sehun?"he looked around looking for that latter.

"He'll come soon enough. He stop by to buy his favourite bubble tea."Xiumin glances at his watch.

"Hyung!"a boy shouted from afar.

"Ah. See,there he is."Suho tilt his head to the now panting Sehun.

"Good, let's head to the class. Lesson about to start soon."Suho stood from his seat followed by the other.

"You guys go first. I have things to do."Kris said as he walked to the opposite direction.

"Oh. . . Ok. Let's go."Luhan take a glance before Kris disappeared from the building completely.

They headed to their own classroom as they have chosen a different section in their own liking.

As Kris, Kyungsoo, Lay and Xiumin were in the same class.

Kai,Sehun,Luhan and Suho were in the same class.

Meanwhile,Chen,Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao.

"Hyung,is there any homework given by Mr.Lee?"Lay scratch his cheek and narrowed his brows.

"No need to worry. There's no homework."Xiumin smiled to Lay as if he smile at a kid who had forgotten to finish his homework given by a teacher.

"Thank goodness."Lay sighed in relief.

"What take Kris hyung so long?"Kyungsoo brows knit as he looked around the classroom."Who knows. Maybe it's an emergency."Xiumin shrugged his shoulder.

Just then the classroom door swift open,there stood the person whom Kyungsoo looking for. Kris. He walked coolly straight to their direction. With his bag swung over his shoulder.

As he entered the classroom, there stood two girls following behind his back. As soon as Kris sat down on his seat which was next to Xiumin, the two girls approach them followed by another three girls.

"Xiumin oppa."one of them called gaining attention from the boys, don't forget the whole students in the class."Let's sit together during lunch time. Arra?"the girl smiled as she puckered her lips up.

"Nae?nae?"another girl said she batted her fake eyelashes. The whole classes pay attention to them. Curious as to what will it turn out to. Because from their knowing,those five girls are popular itself.

"Erm. Its okay. We'll manage ourselves."Kyungsoo politely turn down their offers. Not because he likes her or anything but out of respect. Still. She's a human. Even though she's annoying.

"Are you sure?"she asked again. Disbelief in her voice and face.


And with that there are off to their 'chamber.'

A loud sound enough to take their attention. There stood a man holding a stick.

The class monitor giving greetings to the teacher soon followed by the others.

"Alright class. You may sit."Mr.Lee walked to his table."We'll continued our lesson. Open your book pages 59."Mr Lee said as he adjusted his spectacle.

"Sir,about que-"a girl was about to speak up but was interrupted by the sound of the door.

"Excuse me."a deep voice greeted through the now open door.

"Oh,welcome Mr Kwang.What brings you all the way here?"Mr Lee smiled as he greeted the principal.

They talk for a minute when Mr Kwang turn around facing the students.

"Class,listen. We have a new transferred student that will be joining your class."the principal smiled.

Minra and her friends immediately burst into excited whispers and squeals.Wishing their asses off for the new student to be a guy.

"Right, you may come in."


So how about this first chapter?Do you like my new fan fiction? Who's the new student?Don't forget to vote and comments. I'll be back.

I Found You ~ Kyungsoo x Eunji ~Where stories live. Discover now