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"I want to be in the same group as Eunji!"Baekhyun exclaimed happily.

"Me too!"Chen added.


"No! Me!'

The boys gathered in the basketball court. While some of them were busy playing with each other and scramble to be in the same group as Eunji, some of the them were playing with the ball. Passing to each other. They were so immersed in doing their things not until someone spoke and get their attention.

"Where's Eunji?"

The boys stopped their activities and starts to look around the place. Then they start to realize that the main person of their happiness was missing.

"And where's Kyungsoo?"

Kai voiced out as he realized that the latter was also nowhere to be found.

"Eunji must have ran away from playing basketball."Luhan stated.

"But you said she's going to join us?!"Xiumin half yelled. Along with the other boys.

"Yeah,I kind of lied just then. I'm thinking to poke some fun of her."

"Luhan hyung!"


"Why did you bring me here?"

"You said that you didn't want to go back to the court right?"

"Yes I did."

"So that's why I bring you here. You like it here right? You always come here every recess time."

'Does this mean I've succeed? Yeah! Oh?He knows ? '

"Thank you."Eunji muttered slowly. "I like it here. So, thank you for not dragging me back to the court."

"Sure, my pleasure."

Eunji inhaled the fresh air and take her seat on the concrete ground. She closed her eyes as the cold breeze brushes through her face.


It took a while for her to response as the caller kept on calling her. She opened her eyes slowly and found Kyungsoo was standing in front of her.

"Oh. You're still here?"she asked as she stare straight into his eyes.

"I am. How could you forgot about me."

"I'm sorry. Why don't you take a seat beside me?"she grabbed his arm and pulled him to her side as Kyungsoo slightly stumbled on his feet.

"Ah, I'm sleepy."Eunji whispers under her breath.

Kyungsoo glance at her as he heard her muttering besides him.

"Why don't you take a nap? It's still early so its okay."

Eunji suddenly turned around towards Kyungsoo in a fast speed. "Can I?"

Their face were only inches away as they could feel each others hot breath on their face.

"Y-yeah."Kyungsoo stutter as he looked on the other side diverting his gaze away from Eunji.

His face was red and feel hot even though he was in the cold breeze. He slightly smile a little not until he heard a chuckle. He was about to turned around to face Eunji but was confuse when he feel a slight thud and his shoulder feel somewhat heavy. He search for the main cause and was daze when he spot Eunji leaning on his shoulder. She was snuggling her head in the crook of his neck as her arms were hugging Kyungsoo's. He was shocked by her sudden action and was slightly taken aback.

I Found You ~ Kyungsoo x Eunji ~Where stories live. Discover now