Chapter 13

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-Kat P.O.V-.

I looked to my left and saw the people shouting and also my right, why are all these people shouting I thought. They all seemed to be looking at what's infront of me, I turned my head towards the scene and my whole body had become stiff. Harry was pinned on the floor and zayn was on top of him throwing punch after punch, the ref wouldn't call anything and harry looked about dead, I screamed out for zayn to stop but it couldn't hear the words come out. I tried to run up and stop him but this unusual force kept me still, Zayn had got Harry in a choke hold and Harry's body became lifeless. Zayn let Harry go and threw him to the side, He looked to me and smirked sliding out of the ring walking up to me.

"Hey babe." He said.

He grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against the wall, everyone had started to file out of the arena not even glancing at me or zayn, Harry lay on the ring floor motionless. I felt the tears streaming down my face and looked away from him, how could he be dead..

"Oh don't cry baby, it's ok." He said softly.

He brought his hand up and I flinched and tried to move my head out of his reach but was unsuccessful, he chuckled at my actions.

"Don't resist it." He said.

He started to kiss my neck hard and I tried to squirm out of his hold. But he only grasped my shoulders tighter making me cry out, his hips thrusted upon mines and my legs gave out instantly. I dropped to the floor and tried to crawl away, zayn grabbed legs pulling me back and standing me up.

"Your not going anywhere." He growled.

He grabbed my wrists slamming me against the wall, I cried out and looked at Harry again. His body fidgeted and he pulled his weight up, looking up at me I felt relieved, he's alive. He looked at me wide eyed at the scene befor him. He started to scream but no words came out, I yelled for him too but no words came out either.

"Now where were we!" He said, licking his lips looking me up and down.

I felt so small and weak in his grasp, I tried getting my wrists free but that seemed to piss him off even more.

"I said stop resisting!" He yelled and slapped me.

I shrieked and fell to the floor cupping my chin. Zayn stood over me grinning menacingly, I looked at Harry and he was screaming even more now, his voice rang in my ears.

"Kat, wake up! Wake up Kat!"

"Kat! Wake up" I heard some one faintly.

I jolted up from my bed, sweat dripping down my forehead and neck. It was burning hot in the room and I needed some air, I quickly ran past Harry and out the back door into the night sky. I fell to my knees in the grass gasping for fresh air. Harry was right behind me, he walked up to me and squated down running small circles on my back.

"What was the dream about this time?" He asked, his tone soft.

I took long breathes and wiped the sweat away, the cool air felt nice against my burning skin and my breathing became equal.

"It.. It was about the fight.." I said.

Harry sighed and cross crossed his legs sitting next to me.

"What happened?"

"Zayn.. He beat you till you were about dead... And then he pinned me against a wall.. And. And."

My breathing quickened at the nightmare and I felt tears forming in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away and stared up at the stars.

"Kat, he won't hurt you. I promise you. As for myself, I can take him on c'mon believe in your cousin." He said.

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