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"Yoongi, just calm down," Namjoon said. "Just come away from the cliff and we can talk."

"No, I don't want to talk," Yoongi said looking down at the sharp rocks below him. "I have no future anymore."

"Yoongi. You don't know that," Namjoon told him. "Just come over here."

"Namjoon, you don't get it do you," Yoongi said, still looking down. "I have nothing. My parents abandoned me and my brother because they got bored of us. They got bored. My brother and I ended up getting separated. Somebody adopted him but not me. I stayed with some random old lady for awhile until I finally got to move into a house on my own. You've got a family Namjoon. You've got a little sister and happily married parents. Even Hoseok's got a mom who's at least trying for him. I've got myself, that's it and I'm tired of it."

"Yoongi, you never told me that."

Namjoon and Yoongi turned around to see Hoseok standing there with teary eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us Yoongi?" Hoseok asked.

"Because I knew you wouldn't care," Yoongi told him, his hand clutching into a fist.

"Why wouldn't we? We are your friends," Namjoon said.

"You're not my friends," Yoongi said, looking back down at the rocks. "You're just a distraction."

Hoseok couldn't hold back the tears anymore. A small tear fell down his cheek. Yoongi's words stabbed him hard in the chest, he felt so hurt.

"Yoongi you don't mean that," Namjoon said, noticing how hurt Hoseok was.

"Yes I do," Yoongi said walking away from the cliff and towards them. He got really close to Namjoon's face. "I do fucking mean it."

Yoongi glanced at the crying Hoseok for a second before storming off.

"Hoseok I-" Namjoon started.

"Don't worry about it," Hoseok said wiping the tears from his face.


Yoongi walked through the streets, his head down and his hands burried in his pockets. He had thoughts rushing through his head that he couldn't stop. He just wanted them to stop.

"Help me," Yoongi heard a voice cry.

Yoongi's head popped up. He looked around the empty streets.

"Help, please," he heard again.

Yoongi didn't know why, but he started running. He started to run towards the voice he heard.

His feet lead him to a dark ally. He could see a tall, strong man who had someone pinned to the back wall. He was obviously kissing their neck, but it seemed aggressive.

"Hey!" Yoongi yelled.

The man stopped and looked over to meet eyes with Yoongi.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Yoongi asked, the man who still had his victim pinned to the wall.

"Get lost pip squeak," the man said sternly and went right back to what he was doing before.

Yoongi snapped at the words 'pip squeak'. He stomped up to the man and pulled him off the person he was tourchering. He punched him in the stomach, hard enough to give him some pain and then kicked him in the crotch. The man held the area in between his legs and waddled off in pain.

"You'll fucking pay for that," the man threatened.

"I don't give a shit," Yoongi called back to him.

Yoongi looked over to see a small boy, cowering on the ground in fear. Yoongi crouched down to him and put a hand on his shoulder, that wasn't the smartest move.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" The boy yelled, backing away quickly.

The two made eye contact and Yoongi's eyes widened. He could see the tears streaming down the boys face and the fear in his eyes almost tangible.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you," Yoongi said to the boy.

The boy looked so confused.

"O-oppa?" The boy questioned.

"I can be your oppa," Yoongi said, still looking into the boy's eyes.

"Oppa," the boy said as the tears started to flow from his face once again. He fell into Yoongi's arms and started to cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay, oppa is here now," Yoongi told the crying boy. He finally found his mate.


"Hobi?" Taehyung mumbled in his sleep. He moved his arm and felt around the bed, but their wasn't anything there.

Taehyung opened his eyes.

"Hobi?" Taehyung questioned. He could sense his alpha was upset which caused him to wake up. Taehyung started to cry. "Why is alpha upset?"

"Hoseok honey?" A voice called from downstairs.

Taehyung tried to climb out of bed, but he still felt weak.

"Hobi!" Taehyung cried out as tears streamed down his face.

Suddenly a small older woman came into the door way.

"Oh, who are you? And why are you crying dear?" The woman asked as she sat down next to Taehyung.

"Alpha is gone," Taehyung cried. "And he's upset."

The woman's eyes widened.

"Are you Hoseok's mate?" She asked.

Taehyung just nodded with a sniffle.

The woman suddenly pulled Taehyung in for a hug and stroked his caramel hair.

"Thank you," the woman said softly. "It'll finally be okay now."

Taehyung continued to cry into the strangers shoulder and she kept stroking his hair and rocking him in her arms.


Taehyung looked over to see Hoseok panting and standing in the doorway.

"Hobi!" Taehyung cried and broke out of the woman's grasp, running towards Hoseok. He held onto Hoseok tightly. "Why were you crying?"

"I should ask you the same thing," Hoseok said with a small chuckle.

"Cause you were crying," Taehyung said looking at Hoseok with glossy eyes.

"I was crying because Yoongi was being mean," Hoseok said to the boy.

Taehyung let go of Hoseok stormed out of the room. Hoseok chased after him.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked grabbing Taehyung's arm.

"To yell at Yoongi for being mean," Taehyung said trying to get out from Hoseok's grip.

"No you're not," Hoseok said sternly.

Taehyung stopped struggling and looked down.

"But he was mean, he made alpha cry," Taehyung said with a sniffle.

Before Hoseok could say anything, there was a loud crash that came from upstairs. Hoseok and Taehyung both turned there attention to the second floor. Hoseok let go of Taehyung and ran up the stairs.

He ran into his room to find his mom on the floor, the side table turned over and a broken lamp.

"Mom!" Hoseok yelled rushing over to her.

She wasn't responsive.

"Mom, please get up," Hoseok said trying to wake her up.

Taehyung stood in the doorway not knowing what to do.

"Tae, call an ambulance," Hoseok said to him.

Taehyung bounced back to reality and ran to get a phone.

"Don't do this to me now," Hoseok said as tears formed in his eyes. "Things were just starting to get better."

Grey Sky [taeseok] ✔Where stories live. Discover now