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"Thank you Minjun, I've never been so turned on," Changmin said as he stretched his arms.

"That's what guys with mates do to you," Minjun said with a smirk. "Why do you think he cost so much?"

"Yeah, I get it now," Changmin said with a small chuckle.

"Do you need someone to help you with your situation?" Minjun asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"I'll take my usual," Changmin told him.

"Alright, let me take Taehyung upstairs, and get Sungjin ready for you, for now, get a drink on me," Minjun said with small smile and a pat on Changmin's back.

Changmin made his way out of the backroom and into the bar area while Minjun went over to Taehyung who was sitting on the small couch very uncomfortable, fidgeting in his seat.

"Taehyung, let's go," Minjun said with a bit of anger.

"I don't want to do this anymore, can I just go back home?" Taehyung asked sadly, he could feel himself about it burst out crying.

"No," Minjun said sternly, finishing his whiskey. "Come on, let's go."

Taehyung stood up and followed Minjun back to his room.


"So this is the place?" Hoseok asked looking at the neon sign.

"Yes," Yoojung answered. "My dad's car is over there."

"Why does your dad come here?" Doyeon asked.

"He's never found his mate," Yoojung said simply.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"What?" Jungkook asked with surprise.

"He hasn't found his mate," Yoojung repeated.

"Then how did he have you?" Hoseok asked.

"He's not my biological dad," Yoojung said simply. "He's acctually my uncle."

"Your uncle?" Jungkook questioned.

'Hobi, I miss you,' Taehyung said in Hoseok's head.

'I miss you too Tae, I'm coming soon, I'm right outside,' Hoseok said back to him.

'I can't wait to see you and get out of here,' Taehyung said. 'Please hurry.'

'Don't worry, you'll see me soon,' Hoseok told him. "Guys let's go, Taehyung needs me."

"Huh? Oh yeah," Jungkook said as he went toward the front door.

"Hey," the security guard said as he stopped Jungkook from walking in. "I.D?"

"I.D?" Jungkook questioned. "Do you know who I am?"

"Uh," the security guard said with confusion.

"I am the most important and riches person you'll ever meet so, you better let me in," Jungkook said to the man.

"Oh I'm sorry, go right ahead," the buff man said as he moved out of the way.

"Thank you," Jungkook said about to walk in but the gaurd stopped him.

"Did you really think I'd fall for that, get out of here kid," the man said pushing Jungkook back.

Jungkook glared at the man and walked back over to Doyeon, Yoojung, and Hoseok.

"I don't know how we're going to get in," Jungkook said sadly.

"There is a door around the back," Yoojung said pointing around the building. "Sometimes it's unlocked."

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