Ch. 1

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(This is Megan she's from America and moved to England with her family so she could go to Hogwarts)

Megan was in Mr. Remus's class drawing in her notebook she was bored as usual. She drifts off into a daydream not paying attention to the lesson as she draws a dragon. "Are you still with us?!" Remus banged his fist on the girls desk. Megan jumps and looks up at Remus "uh no sorry sir got lost in thought.."

"Detention." He sighed and went back to teaching the class. She sighs and tries to write notes the rest of the class.

"Class is over! Everyone leave except for her!" Remus pointed at Megan. She frowned and sighed looking down feeling embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, you brought this upon ourself." Remus sighed and sat at his desk. Megan muttered something and started drawing in her notebook again finishing up her drawing.

"What is this? Is this why you get distracted?!" Remus took the picture from her. "Sometimes.....not all the time" she says quietly as she looks down at her desk. "What is this?!" Remus put the picture back onto her desk and pulled a chair next to her. "A teddy bear protecting its owner by a dragon." She said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Remus smiled at her. "It's beautiful. I like it. Can I hang it?" He looked at it.
"Sure go ahead I keep losing them anyway it's better in your hands then mine." She says pushing it over to him. "Thanks." Remus smiled and took the drawing. Megan looks down awkwardly as she starts doing some advanced math. "You don't have to work. You can just sit here or draw until it's time to leave." Remus smiled and looked at her.

"It relaxes me just like drawing so". She shrugs and continues. "Oh, ok. Well in 3 hours you can leave. I'm tired of you dozing off or drawing in my class, I'm really tired." Remus sighed and got up. "I'm sorry that I feel like I learned this a hundred times before." She muttered looking down. "I guess you haven't if you keep doing it." He rolled his eyes. "Sorry for being mean, it's just not my day." He sat next to her again. "Oh really" she starts listing off everything he taught this week in more detail then he did. "Just stop talking before you end up staying the night." Remus laughed.

She crossed her arms and her nose twitches. "I'm joking. Do you wanna play a board game? Practices some spells?" Remus smiled at her.

"No" she mumbled looking down and started flipping through pages and starts drawing again. "Whatcha wanna do? You can't draw all the time. C'mon, let's have some fun." Remus laughed and stood up. "What do you suggest then professor"?

"Well, we could make some potions or do some spells." He shrugged. She huffs and rolls her eyes as she continues drawing.

Remus sighed and walked towards her. "Do you like getting detention? Is that why you always do things I don't like? Are you messing with me? Teasing me?" Remus slammed his fist on her desk. "No because I don't care to learn this over and over again I get bored and then start daydreaming" she says continuing to draw not looking up at him and her nose twitching.

"Daydreaming about what? What's more important than learning?!" Remus sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Are you not hearing my words are you deaf? You getting that old?" Remus rolled his eyes. "What are you daydreaming about?" She hands him the notebook "how bout that"?

 "What are you daydreaming about?" She hands him the notebook "how bout that"?

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(The drawing up above ^^^^))

"Oh. Cool." Remus smiled. "Not even finished yet". She said rolling her eyes.

"It looks good even when it's not finished. C'mon, let me teach you some potions that we don't teach to other!" Remus laughed. "Fine but your on the top of my list of being the most annoying teacher". She says getting up closing her notebook shut.

"I just don't wanna sit here and listen to nothing but your pencil on paper. I gotta have some noise, so c'mon!" Remus pulled old potion making set out of a cabinet. "I have ingredients that we don't even pass out anymore." "Alright so you gonna show me or is this all for show?"

"I'm going to show you. Now come here and grab some ingredients and bottles." He smiled. She sighs and grabs the bottles and ingredients. "Ok, now mix that and that and this and that." Remus smiled and pointed at the ingredients.

((Idk what ingredients to say😂))

She puts them all in and looks over at Remus.

"We are making a potion of wings. Drink some and wings will appear some where on your body." Remus smirked.

"Okay wow I really hate heights so this is perfect." She says sarcastically watching the potion. "You can't fly with them silly." He chuckled softly. "Then why do you have wings but they don't fly?"

"Just because. The wings are to tiny to carry our bodies." He smiled and drank the potion. Two wings appeared on his back. "Cute" she joked and looked at the time "can I please go now I really need to be somewhere".

"Where?" He looked at her confused. "None of your business and of your concern the only one that should it's me, cause it's a me problem".

"Fine. Leave. But you making the 2 hours up tomorrow." He smiled at her. "Fine", she said running grabbing her stuff and rushing out going through Hogwarts towards the dark forest.

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