Ch. 6

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Megan wrapped around his arm gently and she knew she would need to wait till the morning. She just wanted to cry and change so badly and her patronous just followed them on the ground. "Are you ok?" Remus asked as he sat by the pond. Megan tries to change as her patronous tried to change it looked like it was glitching out but it stayed a snake. "Megan?" Remus petted her really worried at this point. She tears up as she tries again but it just makes her tired. "Can you not change?" Remus looked at her as he pets her. Megan tries to nod. "Don't worry, it's happened to me." Remus kissed her on the head.

Megan tries to relax but feels so stressed she accidentally tightened around his arm. Remus looked at her and smiled. Megan notices and unravels herself from his arm. "You got kinda tight there." He laughed softly looking down at her. Megan rolls up into a ball embarrassed. Remus smiled and laid her on his lap. Megan slowly relaxes and closes her eyes. Remus smiled and fell asleep.

The next morning Megan was in human form and was asleep on Remus her head resting on his chest. Remus woke up and smiled at her she looked so peaceful compared to yesterday. Megan soon woke up and looked around. She looks up at him "what happened?" She asked slightly confused. "You couldn't change last night." He yawned. "Oh....well now I have a useless thing I could change into now".

Remus looked at her. "Want some breakfast? We have school today." He laughs. Megan sighs "yeah". She looks down and gets up gently. He smiled and rubbed his eyes. She sits down on her knees and looks at Remus. "I'm sorry about running away yesterday". She says looking at him. "It's ok." He walked around. She got up slowly "are you sure?" "Yeah." He nodded and chuckled, she was so cute to him.

"Okay I just remember hearing you think that you made me mad". "What do you mean?" He asked looking at her confused.

"I remember hearing you say did I make you mad" she says looking up at him "and I didn't know why you would ask that". "What?" He looked at her confused. "Nevermind I probably just heard something else".

"In the class I said you mad me mad for daydreaming and drawing all the time." Remus sighed and looked down. She nodded "I'm still sorry about that I just can't pay attention". She says to him looking down. "It's ok. I'll be more easy on you." He smiled and winked. "Thanks" she smiled slightly. Remus chuckled softly. "No problem."

"So should we get back to the school?" "Yep." Remus sighed and looked around not knowing where to go. Megan however started walking through the forest. Remus followed her, and soon they were out of the forest and Megan grabs her backpack. Remus smiled and walked to the school. "See ya in class" she says and waving and she runs to her dorm. Remus smiled and waved back before closing his class door. Megan changes into her school uniform and heads out to grab some breakfast. She then went to her first class and she goes through her classes. Soon it was Remus's class.

Megan sat down and got her notebook out opening it up. Remus looked at her and smiled. He then went and hung the picture she drew on the wall. Megan glances up and smiles back watching him putting up the drawing. Remus smiled at her and took out everything he bought from the stores. He then called her up to his desk.

Megan got up and went over to his desk slightly confused. "I want you to show the class how to make a potion of Wings." He smiled at her. Megan nods and starts making the potion. Remus sat back and watched. He smiled and clapped when she said it was done. Megan gave it to him and he drunk it.
Megan went to sit down and as his wings came out the wings were way bigger then when he made it.

Remus looked at her. "Way to go! You've made wings big enough for me to fly!" He laughed and flew around. Everyone giggled and laughed at how he looked flying. Megan smiled as she leaned back and crossed her legs and arms. Remus grabbed her arms and flew around with her. Megan yelped and held onto him tightly. "Put me down, put me down, put me down, put me down please". She says as she looked down and closed her eyes shut trying not to have a panic attack.

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