Ch. 7

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Remus set her down carefully onto his desk. Megan got off and ran to her desk sitting down taking a deep breath, putting her head down on her desk. Remus stopped and sat on his desk he felt so guilty that he did that to her. He had completely forgot when she said she was afraid of heights. Megan continues to sit there her breathing uneasy as she tries to get her mind of how high up she was. Remus walked to her. "Harry, teach the class. I'll be back." Remus picked her up and walked out of the classroom. Megan tensed up and continued to get her breathing normal. Remus took her to the hospital wing and laid her on a bed while he waited for Poppy. Megan takes a shaky deep breath and peeked around to see where they were. Poppy comes over and starts doing breathing exercises with her knowing it was a panic attack instantly. Megan does as she says and slowly calming down. Poppy smiled and gave her a sucker. Megan takes it and thanks her quietly while Remus smiled. Megan puts it in her mouth and starts sucking on it, glancing over at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Remus sighed looking down. "It's okay....I'm better now". Remus smiled and hugged her. Megan hugged him back. She soon pulls away "thank you for  bringing me here". "No problem. My top priority at school is my students." He smiled at her. Megan smiled weakly up at him. Remus patted her head and she blushed slightly looking down. He smiled at the nurse then turned to her.  "We must head back to class." She nods and gets off the bed. Remus went to the door and opened it for her.

Megan walks out first and took her sucker out of her mouth. Remus smiled and walked to class. She puts it back in her mouth and went to her desk. Remus thanked Harry and started to teach again. Megan looked down and started taking notes in her notebook but in the form of drawings.

As class soon ends Remus smiled and put his things away. Megan got up and grabbed her things putting the stick of the sucker in the trash going to the door. "Stay." Remus grabbed her arm gently.

Megan looked over and nodded going over to him. "Let's go to the forest together." He smiled sweetly at her he almost felt like he would have hearts in his eyes as he did. "Alright" she smiled up at him.

He laughed and ran outside. She followed him outside giggling. He ran into the forest and changed into his werewolf form. Remus smiled as he saw Megan change into her lioness form, and ran towards the pond. Megan ran towards the pond still following and Remus jumped into the pond.

She stopped and smiled watching him from the side and she laid down. Remus played around in the water, and smiled looking over at her. Megan puts her head down near the water, and Remus swam over to her. She smiled at him and batted her eyes. He chuckled and pulled her into the water.

Megan yelped and went up to the surface as a wolf and swam over to him. Remus changed into his human form and laughed.

Megan changed into her human form "no fair I didn't even want to swim". Remus laughed and he splashed her. Megan came over and splashed him as he holds up his hands in defense. She splashes him one more time and dived down. Remus laughs as she swims around underwater. He goes under water and goes over to her. Megan looks over at him and Remus smiles. She comes up to the surface to take a breath of air.

They swim around for a while. Remus looks over at her and she blushed diving down. He blushes and she stays under the water swimming underneath him. Looking down he smiles at her. Megan comes up after needing to breath and she coughs out some water. "You ok?" He asked and swam to her. "Yeah just swallowed some water accidentally" she says clearing her throat. "Ok." He smiled relieved nothing was wrong. Megan goes over and lays on the grass turning into her lioness form. She curls up trying to get warm and Remus swims around for a while longer. He turned into a werewolf and crawled onto land. Megan looks over at him as he does. Remus smiled and laid next to her. Megan peeked out and she scooted close to Remus as she continues to lay down. He smiled at her and puts an arm around her. Megan warmed up more from his heat and slightly drifts off. She soon fell asleep completely. Remus sighed and fell asleep.

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