Ch. 10

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Remus picked her up and she leans into him. "H-he's t-taken over h-Harry.." she gets out quietly. "He let me go because he would drown and he couldn't swim in my tiger form". She breathes out.

Remus laid her down on the grass in the middle of the forest. He hugs her as she holds onto him weakly. Remus smiled and kissed her cheek. A light blush goes on her cheeks. "C-can I tell you something before I fall asleep". "Yeah of course." Remus looked at her holding her gently. "I-I have a crush on you". She says her eyes closing. "That's ok, I do to." Remus smiled and laid her down gently. She smiles weakly and and she slowly fell asleep. Remus took his jacket off and put it on her. He kissed her forehead sighing happily.

Harry was watching from behind a tree and holds his wand up "Flipendo!" He says and Remus gets pushed away. Remus looked at Harry his eyes widen. Harry walked over at Remus with his wand up. His eyes looked different as he smirks evilly. Remus stood up slowly as he watches him. He puts his wand up "Av- Avada -NO!" He gets pushed back by himself and he threw his wand away as Harry's mind came back. Remus picked the wand up as Harry tried to fight the Dark Lord away in his mind. Remus ran to him and used a stronger protection spell. Harry soon lays on the ground past out. Remus picked them both us and apparated to the school. Dumbledore and the other teachers were back at the school and the storm had disappeared.

Remus took them to the hospital wing. The nurse seemed shaken up and Poppy took over and looked over at them. Remus sat in a chair and watched.

The nurse starts checking on them and treat whatever injuries they had. Remus sighed and read a book. He smiled at when he remembered what Megan said. The nurse soon leaves as they slept on the beds peacefully. Remus looked up at them and sighed going to his classroom.

A couple hours later they both woke up and looked around confused as their head pounded. Remus sat in his chair and let Draco teach the class. The nurse gave them some water and Megan asked her to send a letter to Remus as the owl takes it and flies to his location. Remus played with some bugs before seeing a letter drop onto his desk. He opened it and smiled.

'We're up if you want to come down, we promise we're not gonna kill you this time. ' She also added a smiley face with a heart. Remus chuckled softly and ran out of the room, towards the infirmary.

They were laying in bed as Megan read, and Harry ate some treat the nurse gave him. Remus smiled and walked to her bed sitting down at the end of it. Megan looks up and smiled "hey". "Hey." Remus smiled at her with loving eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks him.

Remus nodded "yeah". "That's good" she says smiling weakly. "D-did I really tell you I had a crush on you?" She asked quietly. "No, you didn't." Remus lied and smiled at her. "O-oh " she frowned slightly. "I thought I maybe did". Remus sighed and looked down. "Yeah, ya did." "Oh....I thought it was a dream mostly".

ShapeShifters In Love (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now